Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

Not shocked in the least. PCs have a bazillion different configurations and gamers that you’re guaranteed to get hit somehow. The question is just how bad are the issues or how quickly will they have the patches out. Its sad if they have things mostly patched within a week or two, as they should have simply delayed release by that amount of time.

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If you recalled, it did in fact got delayed. It was supposed to be out earlier, presumably the time when the show ends its season. Perhaps this is the reason?

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So what is he trying to say? That the PS5 version looks better than the Xbox even with the shimmering and aliasing look?

No, I think he is actually saying the opposite since a lot of people were reporting that the ps5 version had a higher pixel count then the xbox version. If i’m remembering correctly


Thanks, I was not seeing the connection there.

Bought the game at launch, never really played it much. But I’ve been meaning to start with it, especially with it patched now.


That there is more to Image Quality than native resolution. Overall the experience can not be summed up by simple numbers, you need to pay attention to all the specifics.

That is all.

Dont try to read more into a short 240 character tweet than what was said.


Went to tweeter and saw ‘VRAM’ trending

Turns out, a bad PC port is the reason :expressionless:

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Yeah it looks like both the RE4 and TLOU ports come up short. There does seem to be a few current gen ports that have high memory requirements when ported to PC. Hopefully this doesn’t continue.

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I know they will fixed eventually, but, why not delayed? how Naughty Dog or Sony let this happen, sorry to say but, they should be ashamed of releasing this PC port of one of their flagship titles in this state.


It already was delayed somewhat. They “needed” to release this while there was still some interest in the franchise because of the HBO series. Money above everything else for Sony.

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I am having a blast playing through this on the Series X after the next gen patch as it plays so smooth and looks great, and don’t forget the free DLC Game Pass perk.


That’s why I don’t like DF anymore. They gave so many free pass to Sony games it’s not even funny anymore.

I’m watching their analysis/playing the game on PC/PS5 while discussing it, and I can’t ignore John saying how beautiful The Last of Us Remake on PS5 looks every 2 seconds like he wants you to buy a PS5 right now… Yeah, we get it, okay…


This has me wondering how long it’ll actually take to address the issues. I don’t know what they can hit within the next two weeks. I suspect it will be a long journey with dozens of patches like the other Sony games even on PlayStation.

I noticed this summary of the TLOU Remaster PC. I think they noted most things discussed about TLOU PC. The tweet thread starts @ and finishes with this TL/DR:


It’s amazing how good this game still looks and I just love the game setting. I’ve gone back to it now and loving it

LMAO at the gaming press pretending the PC port of The Last of Us doesn’t exist.

  • Spiderman PC - 65 reviews on MC
  • Returnal PC - 43 reviews on MC
  • God of War PC - 60 reviews on MC
  • The Last of Us Part 1 PC - 8 reviews on MC



I mean this isn’t the first time Sony deliberately manipulated reviewers. Remember how the ingame economy changed after the review period ended in Gran Turismo 7? They know exactly when they messed up.

I feel for Naughty Dog employees. They look at their scrum board and see bug fixing tasks for months and have to crunch to release patches fast. The responsible people for this mess just sipping on their champagne and chuckle at the irony of Cyberpunk beeing taken of PSN, lol.


To be fair, this is a PS3 game, remastered on PS4, then remastered again on PS5, then ported to PC nearly a decade after the start. I am surprised there is any coverage of the title at all, even on the PS5.

Though since so much attention was given to it on PS5 they should have carried the same energy to PC coverage.