Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

imo this is not just GDK Issue…SMH MS

Correct. Its a Ubisoft issue.


i mean yeah they are also to blame

No they are the only ones to blame here.

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Likely, but that still remains to be seen.

nah so gdk issues ? lol it’s them and MS this is a result of gdk issues and bad job from UBI

The next gen version of cyberpunk 2077, when the next gen patch is released, will be the first big and substantial comparison between the two consoles.

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Someone is to blame for what? The game runs really well on Xbox. The PS5 version is the one that is broken.

Not really sure why anyone is to blame for a game running really well?

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Daaaaamn son! Nothing to sneeze at.

And this is with the next gen upgrade?

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Another multiplat game that plays better on PS5. Damn. Looks like people who bought a SeriesX over a PS5 for multiplats are regretting it now.

Fed up with hearing about GDK now. Glad I don’t care about the performance delta, but if it keeps on things will be bad.

There is no way things won’t improve, I just don’t believe that at all. It was Phil that also said they would never be behind again with power. And that’s true, the hardware is there, now the rest needs to follow.

We should give it a few months, but if things are still not fully resolved in a year from now…I’ll agree that it’s bad. Nowhere near Xbox One bad, but it should be XSX taking the lead and that’s it. Time will tell.

How does it play better if it has constantly stuttering in 60fps mode, worse shadows, and draw distance?

It’s a wash, they trade blows.

It’s broken on PS5. Stutter heaven. So I have no idea what you are going on about. Right now you’d definitely not want the PS5 version.

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So apparently…

Cyberpunk 2077 is Gen9Aware. :eyes:

VERY interesting.

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Though as much, they said it’s running in BC mode but using the apis to push some settings over X.

Likely will go GDK once the next gen patch hits

Typically the games that are built using Gen9 aware perform MUCH better than games using the GDK.

I think Ori, Borderlands and R6S were Gen9 Aware right?

Do we have a full list of Gen9 aware titles vs Scarlet/GDK titles?

Would love to see if my theory holds up.