Forza Horizon 5 is coming to PlayStation

Anyone in a publicly traded company that’s talking out of both sides of their mouth to investors, analysts and their own broader company won’t last long.

Having been on the inside of a couple of corporate behemoths, having to work on things directly with the C-Suite, the amount of resources poured into every talking point of corporate speak is staggering. The folks at the top are usually there because they can effectively and efficiently hone the right words and tell the story that hits all the right points for stakeholders.

I’d err on the side of just taking Nadella and Spencer both at face value. And they really don’t stray from the same strategic talking points they were giving nearly a decade ago.


That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying that in a unique to CEOs way of speaking Satya is talking specifically about expanding the Xbox customer base via the “everything is an Xbox” marketing push. the key word being expanding. He’s referencing a shift away from the previous user base but somehow makes it seem he is. And if you actually watch or read the transcript of the whole answer that becomes much clearer as he goes on to say:

“I think, long term, as a company, we can bring the best of AI innovation, cloud innovation, console innovation, PC innovation to build the best games that can be enjoyed by gamers everywhere.”

Which makes it clear that console is still an important part of future planning. But I guess if you keep that part in your news article not so many clicks or discussion.

As for hitting all the right points for stakeholders then if it was a scripted answer this misses the mark by a long way. As a business one of your most important stakeholders is your customer base and telling your existing customer base that you are redefining what they want or value in your products is just plain stupid and highly likely to annoy them. There are so many ways to have worded that better I’m surprised that’s what he picked.

A business gets to redefine what they offer customers. Customers get to decide if they like it, value it and will continue to invest in it. Simple.

Edited to add link to full video/transcript of the meeting


You have made this statement about 100 times now and I still don’t know what you expect them to say. That one word “redefine” was corpo speak for investors to try and say “we’re going to make more money”.

Microsoft has been incredibly successful under Nadella and he even signed off on the biggest acquisition in company history - for Xbox. And your concern is… what exactly?


We’re finally going to see this 93 metacritic rated game, the highest rated game of 2021, get nominated for the Game Awards :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The only bad thing here is that PlayStation gamers will fall in love with Forza Horizon 5 and not ever get a chance to play 1, 2, 3, and 4 which were all incredible in their own right.

Forza Horizon 1, is still the best in certain aspects. As is 2, 3, and 4.

So even if a PlayStation gamer wanted to buy an Xbox to check out those games, it’s going to be pretty difficult unless they find a used copy somewhere.

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Since your discussion isn’t specific on FH5, please continue it here, The MultiPlatform Thread:

People just need to go over the old school hardware console wars situation. That is all this moaning is a lack of ability for some people to adapt to change.

All this flipping out and chaos over a plastic box you had to replace anyway ever 6-8 years and the kicker is Xbox has stated MANY MANY times more plastic boxes are on the way with a new gen.

I just do not get why the gaming community in general can’t get their shit together and stop acting like this is a 5th grade playground and just let go the stupid console wars.

Forza 5 might even be a dang trojan horse for the Xbox eco system as it is considered one of the best games ever made Racer or not.


Tribalism and a complete lack of media literacy, with a side of idiocy… that’s the cause imo.


For me I’m optimistic but also skeptical. Its a healthy position to hold. No one knows what the future has in store and whatever it has people will move on. Looking forward to the future and hopefully the start of the industry changing which is being led by xbox with thier games and 3rd parties movinganyway from exclusives. Everyone wins.

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Extreme views yes but no harm having concerns on the pivot. Interesting times for sure.


Never said there was harm in skepticism; what OP is talking about is the bad-faith dooming while ignoring the broader industry patterns and occurrences. Wish people would stop attributing things I’ve not said to try and make a point…

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Just thought comments were a bit strong but no harm in disagreement. No making a point agenda here.

Forza Horizon 2 is still the best one, even the Xbox 360 version by Sumo.


I liked a lot about the second one (and the fast and furious one that used the map) but the first one just still has a great feel to it and is super nostalgic for me.

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For me, each one represents the best in the series, and it’s not just the nostalgia of it all or the " historical significance" (as in the game was doing something new that most games never did) but rather the game did things that were unique to the series as well.

For all of them, the uniqueness of the setting and geography is unmatched by other games just because they’re different, unique, locations. The first two featured music curated from DJ Rob Da Bank and, instead of featuring well known tracks, introduced players to new music that will be huge.

But for me the first one did a fantastic job in the narrative. You’re a rookie driver looking to make a name for yourself. It pushed you to progress and become the fastest driver of the festival (narrative wise). It’s a lot like Initial D in that sense.

The second one built on that story where you’re defending your crown. Where all eyes were on you and you were everyone’s target.

Three, four and five lost some of these stakes as you were now a festival organizer. But those games made up for that with all their other features.


Satya is not doing these earnings calls and shareholders calls for everyday consumers. It wasn’t aimed at us.


Which of course means everyone who is not a shareholder is barred from accessing them and they are not very publicly available to anyone so they don’t have to consider how they phrase stuff so it doesn’t effect customer perceptions. Yep that’s it. Silly of me not to realise.

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