Forza Horizon 5: E3 Gameplay Demo; Game Launches November 9th 2021

probably dynamic resolution scaling, a first for Forza Motorsport or Horizon.

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I was going to ask this because I was sure the previous games never used dynamic resolution.

Turn10 mentioned dynamic resolution in one of their recent presentations about the next Forza Motorsport as a new feature. Maybe it made it into FH5?

This is the best reaction for FH5

You may pretend itā€™s meā€¦

Letā€™s go

Forza Horizon 5

For Life



If thatā€™s a locked 4K and no DRS at 60fps then Jesus, Playground frying that full-fat RDNA 2!

If they did achieve that, it would have been the only default mode.

Yeah, it is gonna be either dynamic 4K, or they lowered a bit some details.

If the reduction of effects isnā€™t too bad I will go for the performance mode. 60fps is just so good.

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The footage was shown at 60 fps and that looked so good. If thatā€™s the performance mode, then I have no complaints :+1:

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But thereā€™s a chance it was PC, they didnā€™t mention it was XSX ,while they did show that for MSFS and FarCry6.

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It could be, but the creative director was waxing lyrical about Series X|S capabilities while showing the footage. That would be counter-productive if it was actually PC footage.

Good point!:slight_smile:

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Playground will definitely be the graphics whoreā€™s favorite xbox studio. Fable is going to look absolutely insane!

That will be me.

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Playground, Ninja Theory and Coalition, the trifecta

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I think playground might stay releasing a game every 2 years, but alternate it.

21:FH5, 23:Fable 25: FH6 (those neon japan Ray tracing?) 27: Fable sequel (launch title for nextbox?)

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Playground have two separate studios now.

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I hope this time FH is nominated for GOTY. itā€™s ridiculous to exclude a game by gender.


Maybe the time has come, Iā€™ve never seen a racing voted as E3 most anticipated. Moreover, if it will be ā€œonlyā€ as good as 4, I donā€™t see worthier game for GOTY this year honestly.


I know they have 2, thats what I meant. each studio has 4 year release date (now we have more studios, FH doesnā€™t need to be a annual 2 yearly franchise)