Forza Horizon 4 reaches 24 million players as of November 2020

I thought that too for a long time but insiders are confident it is FH5. That fits in their usual timeline. I guess Turn10 is working on updating the engine to be next gen as a baseline and once they are done FM will come out to showcase it. Probably in 2022.

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Instead of FH5, i want Forza Horizon collection. Like MCC.

FH 1 & 2 remastered to FH4 graphics. 60fps support for FH3.

In a single game.

Next FH5 should release end 2022 or early 2023. With all the rings and bells of next gen capabilities in perfect polished state.

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Maybe FH5 is crossgen on current tech? And Forza Motorsport is next gen only on their next gen iteration of Forzaā€™s engine. This could maybe work out? But Playground did a lot to support FH4 and created a new studio for Fable. We will see.

I could see it being cross gen. Hope not, but I could see it.

I would bet Microsoft looks at these numbers as the most useful. Itā€™s no longer about sales. Itā€™s about mindshare and engagement. FH4 will likely be over 30 million players by the end of 2021. Those kinds of numbers greatly increase the value of the IP. The increased value of the IP create a halo effect (because thereā€™s more people talking about the game) that drives more sales and more Game Pass adoption.

For perspective, more gamers have played FH4 than any single PlayStation 4 exclusive despite the console being out-sold more than 2 to 1 due to Game Pass and PC. What will happen to Halo, Starfield and Forza Horizon 5 as the numbers of Game Pass subs grow? The value of these IPs will skyrocket due to their engagement.


Thatā€™s really cool. Congratulations to everyone at Playground.

The Horizon series is undoubtedly the most fun that Iā€™ve had with racing in gaming since Mario Kart. Thatā€™s how good the games are & their success is on another level because not only do they have that all important fun factor nailed down, they are also technical marvels & graphical showcases.

The series is a huge achievement & a resounding success.

Some stats of PS4 games

The last of US - 30 million on PS4 and 16 million on PS3

Uncharted 4 - 33.5 million on PS4

Spider man - 30.1 million

GOW - 24.7 million

Tlou 2 - 7.2 million

Got - 5.8 million


Horizon zero dawn - 21.5 million

As of 19 Nov 2020

Well deserved, really getting up close to Mario kart 8 numbers which is madness.

GameStat isnā€™t official.

Why is that site discontinued?

I think they claimed it was due to Microsoft changing the APIs although, I donā€™t see why they cancelled their Playstation trackings as well.

Iā€™m 99% sure the site itself is basically the VGChartz version of players and not real.

aint no way half of this even close to accurate lol. Uncharted 4 and Spiderman 30 mill+? Naaah. We would be getting barraged with those numbers from Sony and the fanboys if that was actually true.


Iā€™m pretty sure GoW was the only game to hit 20m+ most are between 10-15m

No Iā€™m confident Spidey sold more than GOW. Maybe plateaued around 25 Mill. TLOU 1 (because of remastered rerelease), UC4 and Spiderman are the highest selling playstation games ever from what I know of.

I get that gamestat figures canā€™t be accepted as official count but i hope no one is confusing it with copies sold with number of players played it

Source? Most of those look WAY too high.

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I have been told that website is not accurate.

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Much higher than what I had heard but if Iā€™m wrong, cool. Point still stands. A car game on under-performing platform is way up there. I forgot that some of those games hit PS+ so maybe those numbers are users.

Just dug around a bitā€¦Spiderman, as per Sony, hit 13mil about 18 months ago. So itā€™s nowhere remotely close to 30mil. More like 20mil or so. TLoU and Uncahrted 4 were at 20mil and 16mil respectively as of 16 months ago. GoW was at 20mil only a few months back. Horizon only hit 10mil as of 2 yrs agoā€¦

So yeah, those figures are all WAY too high. @No-1HoloLens-Fan

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Those numbers are users.