Food & Cooking |OT| : E(ats) for Everyone

That looks delicious!

Do more!! :slight_smile:

We have a noms OT already though, any change of a merge ohhhhhh I dunno @Predrag ? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m cooking up a hunger but we just got back from holiday and there is nothing in the fridge. Toast it is!

I read that too fast and thought it said I’ve been smoking a Komodo and was like wait, aren’t those endangered species???!!!

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Sorry, just noticed! Moved posts and now I’m hungry :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Just had some biscoff donut fries from a local cafe. Bloody delicious.

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Send a few packets this way. :slight_smile:

Dear God!!!

Just out of oven :relaxed:


oooo yom!

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5 year wedding anniversary dinner with my wife.

Coke chicken wings, spring onion pancakes, deep fried pork wontons, vegetable spring rolls and chicken and celery dumplings.