First Look at the PlayStation 5 User Experience

I think PS5 kind of equivalent ( more like a different angle ) to Quick Resume was their activities, where you can jump onto some distinct parts of the game to complete a challenge or a mission, or joining a friend in a multiplayer session. They seemingly don’t have a way to jump into games at the moment you stopped or paused it.

The video only showed activities being used with Sackboys, with the game already running on the background. So kind of what you can already see on this generation, switching back to the game was naturally instantaneous. However, they didn’t show if you can jump into activities of a game if you are playing another game, and if that is possible, how long will it take to switch between the two.

This UI is bad. Technology always advances to a point of maturity and then all you get is incremental updates. Like for example gamepads. All gamepads look like the Xbox controller (the Switch gamepad, Stadia’s, PS5’s, etc) because that’s the optimal shape for a human hand. They may have different features built into them, but the way they work is similar.

What would be the point of a gamepad that looks like a starfish with 30 different buttons?

That’s what this UI looks like. A change for the sake of change. UIs at this point should be incremental improvements, like PCs or smartphones. Nobody wants to relearn how to use an operating system with every new version.

I am not against cards existing, but against it taking up so much space on the screen. It is such a gimmick and intrusive.

They didn’t show the most important thing: how manage a library of hundreds of games and customize the dashboard.

Xbox has reached the point of Windows XP with its interface. A good and stable base for them to build upon in the future. Playstation should be in the same position, but they aren’t. That’ why I prefer Xbox and the ability to customize by dash the way I want (just like the Windows desktop or Android)

Consoles are like PCs now. They have reached a point of maturity. These changes Sony made are just absurd.


I think it’s great that a form of snap and PiP is making a return. I enjoyed the feature on the XBO but it was clunky and slow. So I welcome an efficient and quick iteration of the feature. A good idea is a good idea, no matter who does it. So I don’t see the need to mock it when people obviously enjoyed it.


Snap was fantastic. Used it all the time. I would welcome a comeback


I seriously doubt a large percentage of users want these kinds of features… i mean MS just plain killed the function after a couple of years and I am 99% sure ms kills functions based on usage statistics

They could have spent time to speed it up - if data supported that people really wanted this

I could be wrong but for me it is absolutely a worthless function when i already have secondary screen within arms reach every waking hour

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Not really concerned what a large number of people use or don’t use. They can all ignore it. I know I enjoyed it and much rather have the option than not.

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Sackboy is 60 actually. One of the few appropriately priced titles.

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Oh, I mixed it up with Destruction All-Stars then. Still sucks when we think it would probably be $50 this generation.

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After watching the video and DF’s analysis, I think it looks really slick. Sony knows how to make a UI look really nice to look at. I think the discord style stream to friends feature is very cool. I know a lot people on PC thought that they would never use it on PC but use it all the time. It can be fun to share what you are playing with friends without sharing it to the world via Twitch or YouTube. I do think, that the hint system is cool, but I would still rather just look at my phone on YouTube I would think, but, who knows, maybe having it overlaid on the screen while playing would be very helpful. I also think that PS4 UI had some issues with having to scroll through a ton of tiles to get to prominent info and it seems like this UI also still has that issue. They did eventually add shortcuts on the bumpers like Xbox to skip tiles which helped a lot so maybe you can still do that here and it isn’t an issue. Overall though I like the clean, modern, crisp look of it.

Comparison of the home screens.


The thing with this, to me, is that without voice prompts it still looks clunky. Having to move controls over to another window is always gonna be somewhat clunky without an independent method of input besides buttons imho.

The one below is the final XSX UI?

Yes, that’s what it currently looks like.

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I really dislike the PS5 home screen. Why are all the icons so tiny at the top, with giant unused space in the middle of the screen? Random play button at the bottom left corner, endless canyon of unused space… and then apparently a $69.99 store purchase link for the game you already are playing?? I’m just confused by that. And what a nightmare scrolling through that microscopic game list is going to be when you’ve got more than a handful of games installed.

All the other elements of the UI, especially the control center, are a lot nicer to look at.


That’s what the stable version currently looks like, various previews builds already have some slight changes. Also, I’d expect the Xbox UI to look significantly different in a few years, because that’s just what they do. Not that there’s much wrong with it now, it’s a fantastic interface.

I don’t think they will change the layout any more, they may just iterate the design with more modern icons as it evolves. This is the first dashboard that is universally liked for Xbox and actually performs well.

I have no idea why the PS5 home screen tiles are so small, I feel like that’s going to be one thing that they will change as they update the dash over time. It looks terrible on my OLED screen. I shouldn’t have to squint to see the dashboard on a large screen.

100% agree.

This guy knows design. Great post

Has anyone asked Sony about the resource cost for the picture in picture etc functionality? I mean, other than ram, some cpu and gpu is probably needed.

99% sure the PS5 OS takes up less memory at 2.5GB