It seems not to be the same thing. Basically, it will let you go directly to an activity you can make.
Quick Resume + Parties + Apps are the only the features I will use for next gen console. Everything else is just bloat.
Quick Resume is an actual game changing feature. I wonder if PS5 will have it because they didn’t demonstrate it all
Also why did they gloss over media apps, it would nice to know if they have Netflix, Prime, Hulu.
Locking game guides behind a paywall, jfc xbox would be crucified if they did that.
Looks fantastic to me! Seems a bit weird how Sony frames these ‘innovations’ when almost everything is stuff already done on Xbox’s UI for a while now.
In the activities cards on the bottom…are those made by the devs? It seemed like there were a lot of them ya had to move past just to get to the next game when they are displayed that way. I like having access to hints too, but seems it will only be on some games? X1 had a similar feature at launch with app integration and Snap. Instead of having hints provided just by devs, it’d be near if they users make their own via the record feature. That could help fill in a lot of the gaps. Maybe even let others upvote em to get some sorta reward pts or something.
The streaming video to your friends list and accessing that is really cool too. I’m thinking they might not bother with quick resume. Destruction All Stars (which looks awful, but w/e) booted from a cold boot in under 10 sec as is. Something that really helped there was how Sony removed most of the legal crap from the loading in imagery. Betting most devs won’t be able to do that on their games due to legal requirements/contracts.
PS5 has something called Switcher, which is probably Quick Resume. Pretty sure they cannot use that name because MS is doing so. Think the UX is slick (hate that hints are hidden behind PS Plus though), so maybe I will hold on to my launch PS5 and throw the ugly PoS in the closet for the theater room where it isn’t really visible.
We will see. I am a lot more intrigued by the PS5 launch lineup than the Series X one. And I mean, a LOT. I’ll be playing BC stuff on Series X (finally playing Ori!!!), but there isn’t much new outside of Gears Tactics for me. And Demon’s Souls is calling …
Every time I say I won’t buy all the systems, and end up doing so anyway. Why would that change this time? Back on the fence with whether to hold onto PS5 pre-order or not
These new systems are a LOT more capable. I think the ability to see a game your friend is playing is absolutely amazing. What if in MP you could watch each other’s game at the same time you are playing? Linking metadata is easy as well, so expect a LOT of these features to be supported by third party …
Example … Genshin Impact is running an event. You could literally jump right into the event with a click of a button. And it would be easy to implement
Quick resume, parties and a fast ui is what i need too
All these new pip features feels comical imo… just ignores the current smartphone climate
I bet picture in picture will be the least used feature on PS5, it’s extremely pointless to play a game and watch your friend play another game, especially when you are trying to immerse yourself. The only time I used PiP on Xbox was to watch sports while gaming and it was still a lacklustre experience that used unnecessary resources.
It’s a neat feature in theory, but it ends up being useless in the long run
Looks good. I like that the PlayStation Store is integrated into the console as that should make browsing and purchasing faster. Quick Resume for one game is fine for me because I play one game at a time anyway until completion. I am hoping for folders so I can dump all the apps that I don’t care about into it like I did with PS4.
I’d like clubs feature to be improved and closer to Discord. With the right discoverability we would have active communities reside inside the console networks.
This is one of those half-assed social network features that don’t work. Like Clubs on Xbox. If someone is into streaming and interacting with people, then why not stream on Twitch or YouTube? Why would anyone want to stream to a handful of people on their party chat instead of streaming on a platform that is popular and it will be visible by many more?
And stream snipe?
It would be more effective if Discord is integrated into Console than Xbox or Sony trying to create their own networks on console.
Gamers use a phone, tablet, or PC to access this type of information. Console is gaming on a big screen so it should stick to the basics and do it really well like LFG, party system that works across phone/PC/console, media apps, and Quick resume.
It looks great! I like it, and I like some of these new additions. I hope Microsoft implements some of these features in the future.
Maybe sometime you don’t want to share everything with everyone on the planet Also, learning and talking through with friends rather than random strangers maybe more fun and constructive.
Pretty neat overall! I don’t play with anyone or take pictures really, so those bits aren’t applicable to me but Activities seems really promising! I mean, they mostly demoed the part that looks like a system-level world map which isn’t the most thrilling application, but this could be really cool for quickly getting into minigames or re-fighting a boss or what-have-you.
Of course, this all depends on the developers, so we’ll have to see how broadly it gets used. I certainly wouldn’t mind having something similar on the Xbox side!
The hints system could be cool too, even if it just grabs the top youtube video or something if developers don’t add individual hints. There’s a lot of potential here, we’ll just have to see how it bears out in the real world.
That would be ideal, but not even pc ecosystems are that much integrated with Discord I really don’t see consoles going out of their way to do a great integration themselves
Have you ever wanted to see your friends “learning”? This sounds like a solution looking for a problem.
i feel like a decent portion of these features are neat but just variations of things already pitched or promised this gen that never pan out on either how end users will actually use the system or what devs will actually support . i remember the one ps4 interface video where sony expected players to be super social and basically live on the “what’s new” section of the ps4, and that just didn’t happen lol. anyways it looks fine.
Some caveats from that video:
- Hints are behind a paywall with Playstation Plus
- It doesn’t seem like there are custom backgrounds or dynamic themes
- What media apps are available for Playstation at launch? My gaming console is used as a entertainment hub so streaming apps are an absolute must
This is the problem when you are building a brand new experience from ground up, all the features you are used to are either deprecated or gimped. Xbox used a much better strategy in which they evolve the OS over time so it is totally compatible with media apps and features from the start.
I guess it’s possible that PS5 has something like quick resume, they didn’t cover everything here in the video after all. On the other hand they could have briefly shown or confirmed it and they didn’t. But we’ll have to wait and see. Someone in the thread mentioning something called Switcher?
Thing is, MS has been pretty much sharing all they can share about their systems and Sony hasn’t nearly as much, so maybe it’ll turn out they do have a feature like that.