Final Fantasy 16 Might Be Timed Exclusive On PS5!

The last part was not Jez seen other insiders speculate that xbox have to pay more…

That would make sense. Moneyhats like this require you to pay for an estimate of lost sales from the exclusivity. Xbox has to cover the costs of a platform twice the size of its own, and PlayStation has to cover the costs of a platform half the size of its own.

Yeah, been hearing about this for a little while.

That being said, it could be a blessing in disguise. FF15 was a significantly better game one year after release then at launch.

Don’t care about timed exclusive. My backlog with gamepass is too big to care waiting one more year for a game.

Just as Square started warming up to put their back catalogue on Xbox and now this. If Square wants people on Xbox start buying their games they’ll have to stop treating Xbox fans like second class citizens.

If true do you think MS is going to have to start throwing more money around too?


no big deal, i can wait.

See I think Xbox are in a catch 22 here. When you are new kids on the block - you can do crazy 2nd party deals for smaller interesting titles and have one or two massive first party games. People are interested because its all new.

But now quirky 2nd parties are not really enough to pique interest for the brand and the deals needed would be very expensive. At the same time they’ve hugely invested in 1p but the time needed to make the big experiences needed is out of the bounds of the time they need to launch the console in. Its almost like a perfect storm. Its why so much rides on Halo Infinite capturing a big market and why the MP F2P was not only a smart move but an essential one.

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I really don’t get why Sony would waste their money on this because the market share split for their games on xbox is around 80/20. I guess Sony wants to make sure they don’t lose even a small fraction of install base to xbox

Been rumoured for quite a while at this point thanks to @Shpeshal_Nick mentioning it in a podcast ages ago. I’m interested to see whether they are also going to lock PC out of it like FF7 remake. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

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I’m a fan of the series, so this annoys me. On the other hand, I can wait some time in order to play the best console version of game.

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I can see how this is disappointing to xbox users but to me it speaks more about Sony having an old school console war mentality. It’s not about the plastic box going forward. Just like the format wars with home video is now dead. I personally feel MS is going in the right direction. There maybe pain points along the way but trying to fight for plastic boxes is just dead end…


Absolute disappointment on my end.

Final Fantasy remains my favorite franchise, and Sony is pulling their garbage again. Guess I’ll just wait for this to hit PC. Sony’s closed gate mentality with their consoles needs to stop. This is a huge part of why I’d rather not support Playstation any longer. They’re as bad as Apple with their proprietary nonsense.

Square has treated xbox fans as 2nd class citizens for some time now.

no dragon quest until this year
No dragon quest builders
KH DLC month late just because
KH collection late as hell
FF7 timed
FF14 still not on xbox just because
Avengers bs
xbox fans should stop supporting them

I’m ok with that. I have lots of other games to play.

Frankly, it would surprise me a little, after SE have already given them timed exclusivity for their new IP and at the same time brought almost every numbered FF to Xbox, together with their other big franchises. Yes, there’s the FF7 remake, but that deal had been made before all those other games were ported to Xbox. On the other hand, I wouldn’t put it past Sony to pay a small fortune in order to make it happen. Guess we’ll see. Remember when we all thought that Destiny would be a Durango exclusive?

Problem with that method is that it’s self defeating. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to combat this beyond voicing our opinion. Though if a company sends them a bag of cash, fans crying out is unlikely to change anything.

Funny this it was going to be a timed exclusive as revealed in the contract made public from the court case. I bet the year delay and reworking of the game, plus Sony stepping in for marketing rights, contributed to a change of plans.

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Square support is lackluster but completely skipping them is the wrong move. If no one is gonna buy their games they will stop releasing Xbox games which get Sony auto exclusivity. The best thing would be to criticize them with Youtube, influencer and/or gaming press.

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There’s articles being written about the Reset user that mentioned it. We said it on the podcast nearly 2 months ago lol

Oh my… so I‘ll buy a PS5 then…

If it happens i wonder if xbox will be like

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