Fighting Games [OT] Fighting in the Emerald Streets (and Beyond)

According to Amazon Italy, THREE guests are going to be in the first Kombat Pass - Omniman, Homelander, and Peacemaker. Does the game really need 2 evil Supermen?

Also, and MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, Johnny Cage will be a Kameo character. So, either the main and Kameo rosters will have repeats even though they are separate. Or, Johnny C will get a sick JCVD skin and he’ll only be an assist :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

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The SF6 beta so far plays like a dream. I had like 20 matches earlier and not even a hint of lag in any of them. Only issue I had at first was “modern controls” and how to change them in matches in training. If this is giving you problems, while in the battle hub press X and go to character select. Choose your character and you will see at the bottom of the screen press Y to “edit” . Go to controls and change to classic then it gives option to “apply it to all characters” make sure to press yes. It will save you the headache.

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Great to here the beta is performing smoothly. I have it downloaded but life has stopped from playing it yet. :sweat_smile:

Earlier today Tyler Lansdown and Ed Boon had a little talk discussing MK1. Not much in the way of new info but Ed made it clear it is 100% a reboot.

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Has anyone tried SF6 with the series S? I’m curious to see how it performs. Does it look blurry? Is the game at stable 60fps?


It’s definitely stable and on my 1080p tv it looks absolutely fine. The demo has a weird glitch where Ryu’s beard doesn’t render properly when in gameplay but it is fine in the open beta.


I’m not sure I buy it. Whether it was on an Amazon listing or not. Johnny Cage is listed on the FAQ as a playable fighter separate from Kameos.

It also specifically mentions a Jean Claude skin for Johnny Cage. I can’t imagine them making skins for non player characters.


Guile is an absolute monster in the beta. Hopefully he isn’t too normalized at release.

Haven’t fought any Guile players aside from one of my friends. Same with Chun Li. Seem to be running into mostly Kens and Ryus with the occasional Kimberly.

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I ran into Kens & Juris, mostly.

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Makes sense that MK1 would be given a spot at SGF because that means whatever is played live on stage will be available for the crowd to also play. My expectations for MK1 are relatively high, despite me not caring too much for MK11.


Well, the reviews for SF6 are out… and it is an instant classic! 6 is the best reviewed fighter since (coincidentally :wink:) Super SFIV. Street Fighter is back in a BIG way, baby!!

Xbox Era (great review, Nick) - 9/10

Dexerto - 5/5

IGN - 9/10

Press Start - 9/10

VGC - 5/5

Gamespot - 9/10

Eurogamer - 4/5

The Sixth Axis - 10/10

PC Gamer - 89/100

VG24/7 - 5/5

The Verge

Ars Technica

The Guardian - 5/5


MK: What are you trying to do with Best Fighting Trophy, steal this thing?

SF: Steal? No, I’m taking it back!


Live footage of Street Fighter getting their mantle back -

i see you're a man of culture as well


Street Fighter has always been a better fighting game from the perspective of fighting mechanics/gameplay, though the more recent MK games have definitely stepped their game up.

But MK has always been a better total package (to me at least). I like the characters, world, lore, art style significantly more, and the gore… That sweet sweet gore.

I have no doubt that MK will continue to set the bar for the total package when MK1 releases.

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This is suddenly becoming triple threat match for Fighting Championship belt held at Wrestlemania.


With this in mind, and the fact that the Xbox has fantastic BC that allows me to even play games like VF2 and Fighting Vipers…I think it’s time to get an arcade stick.

I still use my Madcatz TE stick on the 360 (which sadly has fighters that are not BC on it, so I still have it set up) and I skipped the last generation so it’s overdue.


Still holding out hope that Neatherrealm will step up their animation game when it comes to MK 1. 11 was their best so far but still pales in comparison to SF.

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