Far Cry 6 OT (Review | Far Cry 6)

Of course fair enough but I don’t ask for ultra realistic A.I lol no game has it and wouldn’t be fun. Don’t want a Dark Souls or Arma A.I in this kind of game far from that something somewhat believable more balanced with challenge from time to time and surprising behaviours. A bit like MGS V you see what I mean?

The last Ubi games I played really have this tendency of having really dumb A.I with slow reaction times and logic and from what I saw of FC6 it didn’t change unfortunately.

Ubisoft games don’t present any challenge to me and it bores me cause of the predictable A.I patterns but I wouldn’t say I play them for that tbh. That’s why I want Ubi to focus on that on their next games. More A.I and physics for more interactivity and emergent gameplay.

Another point you mentionned I really liked is a less bloated map so you’re saying Ubi learned their lesson by creating more empty spaces for sake of pace and exploration?

On another note the main theme really stuck in my head, this video is beautiful and I really like the colors of the world of FC6.


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The AI isn’t smart but they tend to highly outnumber you, never miss shots from a distance and the biggest issue the game has is the horrible respawning of enemies. You can clear out an enemy area (which is in red on the map) and yet, enemies will constantly respawn from all directions to where it feels like it never ends.

Also, enemies can respawn after clearing an area, kill you and you then have to do the area again. For example, I cleared out a small area with higher level enemies including a captain and a sniper standing on top of a watch tower. There was a bunker so I got the key from the captain and went down into the bunker to get whatever materials and loot was there. When I come back up and out, all the enemies including the captain and sniper were back. I died thanks to the sniper that by the time I realized he was back, it was too late and I was dead.

Far Cry 6 is easily better than Far Cry New Dawn and slightly better than Far Cry 5 but as of now, it has no chance at surpassing FC 4/3/Primal which are my top 3 FC games in that order.

Besides what I mentioned above, im not a fan of the gear/loot system because it’s not Far Cry. In 16 hours, I already have a pretty decent amount of quantity in both weapons and gear but few stand out. The mods (think perks) barely add anything to the weapons/gear.

Another issue is that if you played Far Cry 5, you’ll remember that NPC’s would give you treasure locations which return in FC 6 along with Base (think outposts) locations, checkpoints (road blocks) locations and anti air defense locations. I’m only in the third region and this happens way too much. There was also two separate NPC’s that gave me three different things but it was the exact same looking NPC in three different places. This is one reason why I don’t like this setup compared to FC 3/4 which would give you a notice board or unlock side activities and whatnot after completing a radio tower which I prefer over this because you didn’t have to go nuts trying to get to the NPC to get the intel and obviously, Ubisoft didn’t add enough NPC variations for this to work.

Jesse mentioned earlier that while you can switch out ammo types, it simply isn’t any fun or enjoyable being in a battle like I was in earlier where I died several times due to them being immune to the bullet type I was using and add in the respawning issue and it’s more frustrating than anything. This constant changing is just more time consuming as you have to constantly open up the menus to switch weapons. Of course, if you don’t have a weapon that has the ammo type needed unlocked, you’re out of luck as you won’t do any damage at all with your guns and you’ll have to find a workbench to unlock the ammo type but that doesn’t help you when in a battle, surrounded by enemies, ranged enemies never miss and the respawning at times has gone on for more than 30 minutes to where I just have to run (which is another complaint, Dani runs so freaking slow!!! like in every damn game) and try to escape.

All my issues are combat/gameplay related.

Other than that, the world is beautiful, lush, colorful, ripe to be explored, music and voice acting is good. Story and characters are solid thus far. I am very happy that my character Dani is fully voiced because if I was playing with a silent protagonist like FC 5/New Dawn, this game would be very close to being dropped but thankfully, that’s not the case. One thing I wish would be brought back is the searching of enemies bodies for loot/items and skinning of animals. Just walking over the dead body/animal and getting the loot/items is a turn off for me.

One last thing - despite it being set to minimal, the camera shake is bad at times. Thankfully, motion blur can be turned off. I will never know why developers implement either of these two things into games and when they do, they never allow the player to turn them completely off.


Loving this game

Ugh, I hate camera shake… I hope this doesn’t give me nausea.

I’m ok with enemy installations respawning, but not when you are still there…that’s f-d up.

The bullet/ammo thing sounds horrible, does the AP-ammo work on soft targets? If so, I’d just run with that as default.

The camera shake has bothered me here and there but not to the point of giving me nausea. Respawning enemies would be fine once you leave the area but they respawn while you’re there and even if disable all the alarms, enemies keep respawing in the area that you’re in and close in pretty quickly. I have used the armor piercing bullets as a default but having to change the bullet type for certain enemies during combat is so annoying and frustrating.

Aight, well I hope they patch a few of these things before I get to the game. Calling reinforcements, or patrols coming back to base is one thing and perfectly fine. Respawning the same enemies? Nah, that just ruins not only the gameplay but the immersion.


Absolutely loving this …its so much better than 5


I loved the world of 5, the only thing that soured me is the forced abductions to progress the story. When they send out the hunters after you messed an area up, I remember jumping in a chopper and going as high as possible, only to be hit and blacking out. But running around and shooting felt good.

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After putting in almost 30 hours already, I can agree with this and it’s also far better than New Dawn.


The advertising Xbox and Ubisoft are running for Far Cry 6 is awesome. Its been a while since I have seen any game as much and as often as I’ve seen Far Cry 6 advertised.


Anyone else have this issue - where when playing you have almost constant controller vibration? Its really annoying.

Excellent but Im sure all of it is US/UK based lol.

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No but I have vibration turned off at the console level. lol

Turn it off in game and see what happens.

Even though I have a ridiculous backlog and totally could have waited to play this, I had some Amazon credit built up and needed a pick-me-up yesterday, so I was like, F it, I’m buying Far Cry 6. :slight_smile:


Finished Far Cry 6.

  • Visuals - 10/10 (superb)
  • Audio - 9.0/10 (excellent)
  • Gameplay - 7.0/10 (good)
  • Story - 7.0/10 (good)
  • Side Content - 7.0/10 (good)
  • Overall - 8.0/10 (great)

Visuals, world, etc. carry the game along with the music, sound effects and good voice acting. Gameplay has way too many issues. From bugs/glitches including a game breaking bug in which one main quest wouldn’t register once I completed it but yet was still on my active journal list. Went back to the area and the game literally warped me from outside the trespassing area right into the building a minute or so from what I did the first time. I did what I had to do the first time but there was more afterwards that didn’t happen the first time for whatever reason. The RPG elements were horrible, the gear is worthless in my opinion and adds nothing to the game. Weapons were fine but the highest ranked weapon I used was 4 despite my character being ranked 17 at the end. The backpack weapon that I used throughout was the rockets and not only do they not destroy tanks later on in the game, half the time they target what you don’t want it to target. You still can’t climb a rock that’s only a foot high or whatever unless the button prompt comes up. This includes being in water, going to land where it’s just a foot higher than you and nope, can’t climb it.

I honestly miss the towers in Far Cry because I would much rather do a tower to open up the map in the area and put all the outposts, etc. on the map. In Far Cry 6, you must gain intel from NPC’s and I must have done this almost 100 times in order to know where the outposts, checkpoints and other optional content is. I literally hated it. Also, a lot of times there’s no way point until you get within a few meters of things you must do. Really miss the old school setup of Far Cry 3/4.

Also, while you can hunt in the game, there’s not much reason to do so because all you do is trade in the animal pelts for money. That’s it. You don’t craft anything. In Far Cry 3/4, I loved hunting not just because it was good but also because you needed the animal pelts to craft your wallet, gun holders, etc. Here, it doesn’t exist. Back to issues. Enemy respawning is horrible. They will literally respawn in the same area in which you just took out enemies. So you can be in an outpost, hill an enemy for example, go to the other side of the outpost then walk back and more times than not, the enemy you killed respawns right back. Also, I had enemies spawn a few meters in front of me. Literally pop in. The stealth is good, shooting mechanics are still Far Cry but so much of the other stuff just brings it down.

Just remembered. Accepted a side quest from an NPC to where you have to fish which wasn’t fun at all and I didn’t even do this side quest but here’s the problem. If you don’t complete it, the NPC will literally radio you every single time you get into a firefight/shootout and say that he was just checking in. Same script every freaking time. I had this happen for the last 20 hours so if not more. Since I had less than 3 regions left, I said screw it. Just let it go.

Story and characters were solid. I can’t say much without spoilers so I won’t. It’s good for what it is. Better than Far Cry 5 and New Dawn especially since Dani is fully voiced and you see him/her in third person during cut scenes wearing what you have equipped which is good. The biggest negative that I can mention is that there’s too many side characters and none of them really develop or evolve. The biggest positive is that there are a lot of good missions within the long story arcs.

The side content is typical stuff. Side quests were fine. Nothing stood out to me. Pretty basic and generic.

As much as I loved Far Cry 3/4/Primal, this is now the third game in a row that’s been a disappointment for me. Wish Ubisoft would get back to the basics of Far Cry 3/4 but that seems unlikely at this point and if FC 7 is an always online/co-op/MP game, then well, Far Cry 6 is the last game in the series that I will most likely ever play.

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You can use the meals to craft temporary buffs or trade in the meat for parts you use to craft weapon attachments.

I rarely if ever use buffs in games. That’s what I did with the meat. Traded them for parts. It’s the parts that you can trade for money. My mistake. Problem is that I ended the game with hundreds of every part and material. I would have preferred the meat to be used for crafting like FC 3/4 instead of trading it in for parts that I simply didn’t need.

Far Cry 6 was a disappointment for me but im not that surprised. Ubisoft has been at 1/1 ratio in terms of hit/miss for me the last few years.

I have really enjoyed the game so far, solid gameplay, great visuals, interesting world.

Game sold pretty poorly with 50 percent drop from far cry 5 even in digital form. Now this is UK game charts but its very telling.

Ubisoft need to wake up. Can’t keep rehashing the same game over and over

The UK game chart means so little… so very very little.

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