Far Cry 6 Gameplay Reveal - Releases October 7th 2021

People need to shut the fuck up!

Did they say the same when Skyrim came out and I believe PC then had Witcher 2. Witcher 2 certainly looked better, nobody said it though. Are these sillies now about to say this with EVERY upcoming game that gets shown? Lmao.

This is great. I mean a third person game in 30fps is kinda doable but first person is just painful. I will have to do it for my FC5 playthrough though, because it just looks too bad for me with fps boost.

Oh nice, was worried it would only run in 30fps after seeing the reveal. Thank god they have 60 support on next gen!

Just watched the reveal and now I’m keen. The environments look great and guns look awesome. 4K60 will be fantastic.

60fps is nice but i pray for the day Ubisoft games finally get smaller again. I roll my eyes at their focus on making them bigger and bigger. Really disappointing :frowning:


I think ppl confuse what it even means to make a ‘political statement’. Ubisoft just means they are not praising/criticizing any real world politics, policies or governing bodies. Just because a game includes conflict among governing agencies of some form does not make it a game promoting specific real world ‘political statements’.

It appears to have RT too unless my eyes deceive me.

It looks very cool so far. I hope they updated the typical ubisoft-open-world-formula.

After watching Ubisoft’s gameplay reveal, I think Far Cry 6 looks absolutely fantastic visually, especially the environments.

There are still a few things to be ironed out like the face models, AI, particle effects…

Overall, it is on my radar.


Really good stuff. Except for the A.I.

Baddies just stand around and get shot at and do nothing. Hopefully this is just done because for the video.


Looks like…more Far Cry. Gorgeous visuals but I’m personally feeling franchise fatigue with this and Assassin’s Creed. Gives me the same Ubisoft formula vibes. I’ll probably pass.

The Spanish pronunciation is absolutely terrible. “Castilo”? “Guerila”? Really, Ubisoft? Is it so hard to find someone who knows how to pronounce the Spanish double L and double R sounds?

Don’t even get me started on how poorly Dani pronounces “Muerto el perro, se acabó la rabia”. Awful. It’s not even a Caribbean accent.

And I see Espósito is still unable to speak Spanish in a decent manner. They should have hired Juan Carlos Tinoco to play El Presidente. Great actor, much more intimidating, native Spanish speaker, and much cheaper to hire too.

After 5. I’ll wait for reviews. Even then it’s unlikely I’ll buy a ubisoft game for 60 bucks. I bought Valhalla for 40 and regretted it. Luckily I got most of my money back.

New screenshots, looks gorgeous:

Source: https://twitter.com/JamieMoranUK/status/1398817688034721793?s=19


Far Cry 6 is day one for me. $60 with a $10 Game Coin at GameStop cuts it down to $50 and once I trade it in, will be a $20-$30 game at most day one. Perfect for me. Should be better than Far Cry 5 in every aspect which is good enough for me.

I like everyone else here adored Far Cry 3, I think I got 4 on sale and put about 15 hours into it but lost my way.

I’m not sure why for the life of me I purchased 5 when it was on sale, I put about 4 hours into it and never touched it again.

However 6 looks phenomenal!! I certainly see the Far Cry DNA but there seems to be just enough new where I’m intrigued and excited. It looks great and the villain is ace and the hacksaw guns look fun.

Color me impressed.

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“Our story is political.”

same reaction here

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I don’t give two shits if the game is political or not. I just want it to be great like Far Cry 3 and 4 were for me. I get this and I will be very happy.

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Seems like what they really said was “Our game includes politics, but is not a political statement.” I guess it’s too much to ask people to apply critical thought and common sense now a days?

Lord have mercy on the people who go to Far Cry of all things for some political commentary lol.