Far Cry 6 Gameplay Reveal - Releases October 7th 2021

Just saw this on Youtube, the gameplay reveal is about to begin. Really enjoyed what I played of Far Cry 5, still need to finish it, so I’m curious to see what to do with Far Cry 6 and if we’ll see it running on any of the new gen consoles.


I thought it was about to start too and now we have another countdown of 29 minutes? Lmao.


People can’t seem to start their show on time.

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Yeah lol I rushed to get this thread started only for it to make us wait another half hour. :upside_down_face:

New trend - countdown videos this gaming season 🤦🤪


Well, back to Maneater it is for me then.

Absolutely hate countdown pre-shows. I can see 5 minutes but anything longer is fucking bullshit. Expecting Far Cry 6 this Fall because I just came back from GameStop and there’s a huge Far Cry 6 poster hanging up that says Fall 2021.

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After that 29 minute countdown will it then have a 4.5 hour countdown?


Maybe we should wait for the 4K trailer to be uploaded, honestly I don’t really get why they don’t have that uploaded as soon as the timer ends instead of a bad quality stream (compared to 4K).

Looks really fun!

But then I remember that I haven’t actually finished a Far Cry game since Blood Dragon.

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I’m glad my Amazon delivery date was wrong haha get to play this sooner than expected looks like a ton of fun!

Looked really good! Hope we get a more comprehensive look at gameplay closer to release. Love how the environments looked, especially the jungle sections.


Looking very good. Not sure if it’s a day one for me because I need to start with 5 still, damn!

I like that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. I mean the crocodile, the Macarena launcher etc, lol.

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Looked fantastic, day one for me! I mean, how could anyone not want to play with that dog?

Is there a 4k stream yet?

I didn’t see one for the full one, but there’s a 4k gameplay deep dive.


The official Xbox channel has the main trailer up which is in 4K, although the major media outlets have their previews up so check them out as well.

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