Elden Ring |OT| Rise Tarnished & Become The Elden Lord (of the dance!)




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I am lost because I am unsure where to go after beating Renalla. I can’t seem to find a proper guide

You need the dectus plate (two halves) to get up to the Altus Plateau or head to Caria Manor

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You have two options available to you to go to the next big area, explore north from the Academy.


Go to Caria Manor and explore around.

Nearby there you’ll find a place called Rennas rise, go there and start a quest line that covers like 70 percent of the game, its crazy but worth it. That’s what I did after beating Rennala. I didn’t go to Altus Plateau right away although it’s the next place to go “golden path” wise but who plays like that in these games anyway. After Caria, get back to Caelid and explore, beat bosses and open up whole new areas and explore those.


This is really nice


gotcha yeah I went to Rennas rise and now at captial outskirts because i went to Atlus Plateau after

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My WIP for the Tree Sentinel figure (one of my artists painted this, not me!):


Im almost done with the game. Another dozen or so hours to go. Might speed run the game after. Easily one of the best games in a long long time. Cant see anything stopping it winning goty unless Starfield delivers on potential.


this goes hard, damn

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Neat! Go back to Caelid now and fight Radahn lol


For anyone interested in the Tree Sentinel figure, we only got two right now but will be adding more in future!


Insane and absolutely deserved numbers!

That is crazy. 12m in 3 weeks. Rasily 20m by nay probably. And thats not 20m being 10 bucks after a while its at full price
in the space of a few months.

Also im pretty sure ER has probably sold more than every other souls game(excluding sekiro) combined or is close to it

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Easily the most time I’ve spent on a single boss in my entire life lmao. Deciding to do it w/o summons didn’t help either. :sob:

While I do maintain she is a bit overtuned & needed more playtesting wrt some of her BS, I grew to enjoy the fight by the end!

Now, Rot ⁱⁿ ᔖᔉᔃᶜᔉ


I used summons because through out so can’t say much but it really felt like she had one or two bullshit moves that killed me instantly if I could avoid those or have a lucky run she was killable.

Laughably as a mage the second phase was super easy as the bloom thing kept her in place long enough to get off the Comet Azure a couple of times and she was toast.

Beat her on the second try

I lost 100k runes tonight on stream. Sad. Oh well time to farm them.


real shit

Solo and without summons too??

I beat Malenia too but took nearly 20 tries. Light armour with the attack boost and just learned to dodge all of her moves. hre 2nd form is cheating though but I got it down. I can beat her 1st barrel taking any damage

She’s probably the only boss I don’t lock on to.

I still haven’t beaten the game yet. Need to go through CRA and then the final area. I sort of want to be done with this so I can play something else. Masterpiece but I’ve spent 3 months playing it.

From better release DLC for this at some point.

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