Elden Ring |OT| Rise Tarnished & Become The Elden Lord (of the dance!)

Started a NG+, got my missing dragon achievement, already back at the final boss.

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Iā€™m Level 116 in Mountaintop of the Giants with around 45-50 Vigor + Radahnā€™s armor + Erdtree Favor + Viridian+1 armanent (so thatā€™s a total of around 1800 HP) and still getting one to two shotted by normal ass enemies. I have Radagon Soreseal as well but the reduction in damage negation felt fair even until Leyndell, then I got to mountaintop and I donā€™t know what it is, enemies has insane health and destroy me much quicker.

The scaling is just drastic. I donā€™t know how worse it gets once I go into Farum Azula, Haligtree and such.

the genius of Tree Sentinel is heā€™s placed at the start precisely to teach you how there can be bosses/enemies out in the open world that you can simply stumble upon but you can or will be vastly underskilled/underequipped for it, as such you can just leave and come back later. The lesson of fighting Tree Sentinel is ironically enough, not fighting him. So clever yet effective lol


I couldnt believe how easy some stuff felt on NG+. I killed Radhan on his first phase, I killed Maliketh on my first try and I stuggled with him a lot in my first run. Had I not had to progress Ranniā€™s story far enough to do fias quest and get my dragon achievement, I think i would have been to the final boss in about 2 hours.

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Raptor of the mists is the PERFECT heroā€™s grave ash of war, basically just anime phase through the chariots and keep going lol, much like the Mist Raven from Sekiro minus the directional dash.

Right, I forgot about Mountaintops, that one does need some balance changes. At that level you might not have a bad time on Farum Azula, I went there around level 120 I think.

Though, Iā€™ve seen lots of folks getting there at like level 80 or 70 with about 800 hp and wondering why they die in one hit.

I have to say Elden Ring is fantastic but I canā€™t keep playing. I appreciate my time with however my current gaming habits are different. I donā€™t have much time and when I play for 2 hourā€™s I donā€™t feel like I make a lot progress. In games with a proper story itā€™s different. I think structured games are currently better suited for meā€¦

Finished second run, the only boss that required multiple tries was Radagon/Elden Beast. That was still a pretty difficult fight. I started a NG++ and Im already to the Crumbling Farum Azula, but i might have hit a point where the difficulty is ramping back up. Everything up to this point was a breeze. I think everything i did so far was first try up to the fire giant. FG took about 4 or 5 tries. But I got to the Godskin Duo and they absolutely obliterated my +10 Mimic.

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I am so mad right now.:frowning:

I killed Maliketh, but his aoe that takes a while to detonate procced and I died as well and now I gotta redo the whole thing.


I actually died as I killed him the first time too, I was so excited, then devastated, but I lucked out and his death processed before mine so it gave me the rewards before I finished dying. The pain returned to elation.


I beat him finally. Heā€™s a bit annoying with how much he keeps jumping, was unable to get in most hits throughout, same with Phase 1. My Bloodhound Fang and pretty much any slow ass weapons had to go to the bin. Just melee-ing him felt like I was hitting a brick wall, so had to get some range based ash of war as well. I just wanted to get this shit over with tbh, I had already beat him but some dumb RNG got my ass. Oh well, onwards to the next one. Extremely cool boss tho.

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Almost all of my boss victories are entirely the boss getting stuck in a staggered back and forth between me and my mimic fire whooshing them with the blasphemous blade.

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It is done! Third play through complete, 1000/1000


Similar to me but instead of Blasphemous Blade itā€™s Flame of the Redmanes ash of war with Rotten Breath. I pretty much melted Morgott last night on my second try. Redmanes staggers pretty much everything in the game in two casts. (one if your strength is maxxed out) I live in constant fear that it could be nerfed at any moment lol.

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not this again :sob:

But still a very good thread.


Colossal weapon mfs finally get their time in the sun.

Lost 10+ hours of progress seemingly from the last patch. I guess it hadnā€™t updated the cloud save in that time? Was in quick resume. Sucks.

Man I love this game. 40 hours in, still so much to see but just started to understand it all (first souls for me) its awesome how you can customize the weapons and how it all changes depending if you are holding a sword with one or two hands.