Elden Ring |OT| Rise Tarnished & Become The Elden Lord (of the dance!)

I was watching a very short clip of the game, it was on PS5 and the fast travel took like 2-3 seconds, after death as well. I know as per DF that on XSX it isn’t as fast, but how long does this approximately take for fast travel and after death?

A few seconds :person_shrugging:

More than 130 hours in the game and just having the ending, I would say this was an absolute great game, with a really well designed open-world, stunning art direction and world design and great combat ( though really familiar to what you got in Dark Souls, not that’s a bad thing ). I always loved game that could tell stories just by looking at the environment, and that didn’t drag you through hours of cinematics. It it nearly all gameplay and it helps to feel more invested in what’s happening.

It is certainly easier than Dark Souls, but it helps newcomers to get FromSoftware’s style. My only gripe that I could have would be that I felt like dungeons, ruins and even some bosses types were getting a bit redundant, something that could derive from the open-world aspect. To me, also some bosses were not as memorable as Dark Souls, but it was still a really good experience, and it has been a long time since I was heavily invested in a open-world game without feeling bored.


Longer but all round this game isnt greatly optimized for series x. Some patches have helped but it can be better

I did it! I finally did it! The Elden Beast is slain!

falls into fetal position


Great, now you can start new game+

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Or do what I did - go back to an earlier Souls game and bask in the glory of being able to steamroll through with relative ease. I finally got around to Demon Souls this way, there’s nothing in that game as hard as some of the regular enemies in Elden Ring.

Idk about that, the biggest enemy you fight in the first Dark Souls is the controls. It’s stiff and janky

I managed to also beat Melenia and Dragonlord Placicusax tonight. The only achievement tier boss I havent killed is Lichdragon and I cant fight him because I killed Fia

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Aside from the Dragonlord, if you’ve fought one dragon, you’ve seen it all. You’re not missing anything. I wouldn’t sweat it

I just wanted the achievements for all the bosses, but I think ill move on to something else. Ill revisit the game if/when DLC comes out for it.

He will miss a great and a challenging fight, Lichdragon was such a cool boss.

Also DS1 still plays very good, the only thing it’s missing is the 8 way dodge. Game is as responsive as it was back then, to be honest it plays even better now considering the smooth 60fps of the remaster.

some of the late game balancing is atrocious, damn. Just finished Castle Sol, yeah never ever wanna fucking go back there, thank you.

Yeah the first 80-85% of the game was hands down some of the best gaming time I’ve ever had. The final run of the game is a brutal slog.

I just started a NG+ And in about an hour already killed Margit, Godrick, and Renalla.


lol, literally my first post in XboxEra, wooo

Seriously though, without spoiling anything, I keep hearing the final stretch of this sucks. Why is that?

People keep getting there underleveled. Although there is a certain boss that might need a bit of a nerf.

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It turns into a bit of a gauntlet of super difficult bosses. Some of them incredibly close to each other and other have multiple phases so if you are having trouble some of them get repetitive /infuriating.


Finished it today, it’s a lot of fun. It has a brilliant world and the gameplay is fantastic for a non Souls player. The only thing that let’s it down is the story telling us a bit loose and keeping track of npc side quest is difficult, but those are minor gripes.


It definitely is the most accessible souls game. The spirit ashes are a brilliant design choice and definitely make boss fights a lot more manageable. You still have to level yourself accordingly for the most part, Tree Sentinel for an example even though it’s the first enemy they see people can get frustrated thinking they need to beat it but keep getting one shot.

It’s an age old Fromsoft lesson. Leave it be, level up into your 20s or 30s whatever suits you best then come back for a fair fight.

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