E3 officially back, with Xbox backing it

It sucked when everything was so spread out last year.


So tbis is where we might see Avowed gameplay for the first time, Halo gameplay with the big visual improvements, Starfield probably too and so on. Should be damn good.

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I agree, it was like walking down a long, dimly-lit hallway with occasional cups of lukewarm flat cola. Iā€™m a bit surprised that Nintendo is on board since their directs seem so effective, maybe theyā€™ll show off their next console?


Nintendo doesnā€™t typically show off new hardware till closer to launch

Yeah, I remember the Switch reveal didnā€™t have much of a leadup to the actual launch. Didnā€™t that recent Bloomberg article say the new device would come out this year though?

Could get delayed because of the issues with chip sets

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Live chat thread going to be fireā€¦

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Iā€™m happy to say we can once again speculate how E3 is going to be nostalgic

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I honestly would love having BE3 first and then an hour off to chill and then the Xbox pre-E3 mini show and then the main show.

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I mean this is a Digital only thing with a bunch of online streams. Great yes but its not realy E3.

May as well be a dozen Nintendo style Directs but over a weekend,

E3 certainly isnā€™t back. E3 wasnā€™t just about companies showing off trailers. It was also a community and journalist driven experience with developer interviews and floor show demos.

While its gonna be awesome seeing new stuff lets not be deluded into thinking E3 is back

The E3 we all know back in the day is long gone. Dead.

YESSSS!!! Iā€™m SO glad E3 is back. I canā€™t wait for the hype times again. Itā€™s been far too long. :slight_smile:

Spencer tweeted there are other summer events besides e3!

I am excite

Which E3 announcement would you get wild?

Me: Xenoblade Chronicles 3

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Link for the tweet? :slight_smile:

Did they announce how they will host E3 digitally?

I think it will be the same format as TGS last year, one long stream on E3 YT channel with each company stream start individually.

Cross fingers for:

Saints Row 5 reveal

itā€™s great because we can get excite about reveals and speculate all over again. Roll on the hype train logo and the speculative list submission fun.


Just give me Arkane

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So does this mean the press conference might fall on a weekend? Or will I still need to try and get a day off work? Going to start making snack preparations soon, lots of planning ahead.

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Referring to things like the Summer Game Fest, etc.

Pretty much anything from SEGA, really.

Itā€™s this one:


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That is most likely Summer Game Fest, no? And not a new, Xbox event, separate from the Xbox E3 event.