Dusk Golem doubles down on Xbox Series X being cheaper than PS5

Oh we’re being specific to the current climate of the world? The yeah I guess $600 is expensive. Yet I could still see Sony selling out at that price.

Take away COVID and $600 isn’t expensive.

At worst or at best. The price will be $499

Even if Sony takes a hit and goes for a $449 Digital Edition. They’ll just put a copy of Cyberpunk in there. It’s a smarter move

At worst means $499 will the worst case scenario. The highest it could possibly be.

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It’s sad that people pick and choose what Dusk Golem says. He got RE2, RE3, and RE8 info right!

I think PS5 COULD be more expensive too, you look at the large form factor and you know thats because of cooling issues.

Also wont be surprised if the SSD is more expensive because Sony doesnt have experience AT ALL making SSDs. Its likely that it could be more cost efficient but it lead to the problem that they really had to add stuff like 2 IO co-processors just to make it work. It sounds so complex and i wont be surprised if devs will dislike it because it makes their job harder.

Man, I wish people really look into the specs more. It looks more troubling the more you think about it.


I still think people who think the PS5DE will be $100 cheapers are crazy. At most, $50 cheaper. Alternatively, you’ll get a little more storage space and it’ll be the same price. Removing an optical drive, even a UHD one, isn’t gonna save $100.


I’m wondering if we get a second round of the infamous GTA grassgate.

It’s not about the cost of the actual drive they’re removing, it’s about guaranteed digital sale of every game through their store for the rest of the generation, so they’ll make money from there and hence the 100 dollar difference shall be very probable.

The longer things are like this the more difficult buying a new console will be for families. Even Sony won’t be immune to it.

This is why having all access or the series s will be super important at the start of the gen. It’ll be interesting to see how console sales play out after January.

I guess this is fair, but I also wonder that even if they could go for the $100 difference. Would they actually choose to?

Team 399 for Series X!

We don’t have a teardown yet, but I said this from the start. The PS5 is super expensive.

So what? Even if you buy a disk version that isn’t subsidized 80% of all sales will be digital. You guess that 20% extra is worth the loss?

Every time whey I read that argument people do not take into account, that people buy digital no matter what.

I can’t see Series S being $299 if Series X is $399, I also can’t see just a $100 difference between the Series X and Series S considering all the cut downs.

My call is;

Series X $499

Series S $249

bonus round

PS5 $499

PS5DE $449

I didn’t ‘appreciate’ how big it was until I saw a recent picture of some Sony guys holding one at the factory.

I’m also still very cautious about just how quiet the PS5 will actually be especially if they have to overclock on certain multiplat games to get close to an Xbox version.

Seems plausible, but I want to see Microsoft even more aggressive when it comes to pricing.

I think that is them being aggressive with price, don’t forget the pretty big difference in hardware, it comes down to what costs more the extra GPU power of Series X or the extra performance of the SSD.

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DF believes in $500+ and maybe even more than $600 if not subsidized.

It would make sense and really make the case for Series S. I seriously think they could easily be $500+ and I do think people should keep that in mind because some are getting a bit carried away here with the $399 price. $499-$599 seems entirely possible.

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That’s why I say $499 best case. Even the Xbox One X was $499

How could Series X be possibly cheaper to produce? It’s more expensive with the technology inside that box.

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Im sure thats why they are late with the teardown. That chip must be enormous to fit 2 IO coprocessors, decompressor, DMAC, DRAM, and coherency engine.

Remember when people laughed that XBO had to sacrifice CUs to add the SRAM. I cant believe they dont realise Cerny is doing a similar mistake!

All so loading times are 1-2 seconds less than XSX.

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They even said selling the XB1X at the price it was set at was losing them money too.