Dirt 5 is getting patch to fix graphical issues discovered recently

I know it may be frustrating to see all these DF face offs where the Series X has some issues in each one, but as a new console launched in the middle of a global pandemic with brand new Dev tools that pave the way for a better dev environment going forward some bumps were bound to happen. It may hurt a little now but the re aligned dev environment and to take advantage of DX12U will pay off soon.

So do not look at these DF face offs as some slight against the Series X, the hard ware is there and that is the most important thing, it has more advanced GPU hardware, better cpu and better memory bandwidth then any console, nothing is going to change that. These DF face offs that show the issues will help the Series X improve and that can only be a good thing. One thing we have seen since Phil took over is that criticism is taken serious and usually fixed soon after being brought to light

It’s not the final result :) we already have an update in the works that fixes many of the things in the video as well as addressing a bunch of other stuff. We also have a big post launch support plans, so please stay tuned :)

— Robert Karp (@K8RPY) November 22, 2020

This is great news! We alerted them to the findings earlier this week and it looks like they have a fix in the works for Dirt 5 coming soon! https://t.co/OnPRzHGAmW

— John Linneman (@dark1x) November 22, 2020

I kind of want to get the game to scratch that racing itch as I’ve already been through all of FH4 on Xbox One X, but at 89.99$ here in Canada and with bad support at launch I’ll take a wait and see approach before I buy. Sad to see devs launch stuff in such bad shape (they’re not the only ones though, looking at you Ubisoft!)

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I hope they fix the bug with the missing impuls triggers.

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It was supposedly fixed in the last patch according to the patch notes

  • Xbox: Resolved issue causing some players to lose controller vibration/rumble

They did in the latest patch. rumble now works fine


It was works fine now


These games are NOT in BAD shape, I have extensively played Dirt 5, AC Val, Watchdogs, Observer on my Series X and the games still look and run well. Just because they run a little worse than the PS5 right now does not mean they are in Bad shape. The games are fully playable and enjoyable and look better than the X versions.


Thanks, will check it out


Exactly! I got all the achievements on Dirt 5, which means I raced in every career event. The game looks and plays great! Here are some screenshots I took:


Yep I’m REALLY loving Dirt 5, it hits the right mix of off road arcade racer but still a little bit of seem to keep it grounded and the tracks and gameplay look amazing. I love the handling and physics model and all the stuff going on around the tracks.

It has been a great launch title for my Series X, since the devs are going to improve it even more I’m super excited.


Another reason why I definitely appreciate DF. They notified Respawn too about Titanfall 2 not looking how it should back when One X launched.


For those who have played it should you pick prioritise IQ or resolution? I don’t have a 120FPS Tv…

I picked IQ. Dynamic 4K isn’t that bad and I appreciate the higher details the mode provides. But if I recall correctly Resolution runs at a better framerate, so it all comes down to preferences. Having choices is good!


Update to be done on the first post @Swanlee

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So that would mean the extra detail and everything will be in XSX as well then, as it should?

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Good to see, it seemed obvious that the performance issues with Dirt were not intentional behavior.

Hopefully Ubisoft fixes the screen tearing problem in Assassin’s Creed soon.

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Not really conclusive of that. Hopefully just gets better than what it is right now. But yeah, would be good if it became on par with the PS5 version.


Hell yes. And the same for ACV, WDL, Observer and CoD.


Yep these issues that are pointed out and fixed are a benefit to Xbox and Xbox gamers, wish others did not use it as console war ammo.