That’s the avg difference i am expecting through out the titles.
That’s the avg difference i am expecting through out the titles.
I’m really impressed with the ps5 controller feedback. I hope it’s not forgotten. Overall both machines seem great it’s just the ps5 is too chonk!
Yeah absolutely.
The XSX isn’t like “hey look at me” it will blend in nicely alongside the TV or anything really, but the PS5 really stands out and not in a good way.
Yeah, I think you’re right. At the end of the video, we see the home screen when you power on your console from a power off state and there is no game running in the background. So maybe this quick resume feature is just for one game when using sleep mode. That is nice none the less.
I wonder what the “surprise without platform comparison” could mean. I hope it’s actually a “surprise.” News has been slow for both consoles with these drip-feed BS.
Perhaps some unannounced games they are able to show running on either of the consoles?
I was thinking features, but that could also be it.
I know I was on twitter and John from DF was talking about how the XSX is basically silent and he mentioned playing new-gen games to test the sound level.
I can’t wait for next-week when the NDA’s drop!
Can’t wait for Alex to compare series X with an equivalent RTX card. Specially Gears 5.
NDA for Xbox is Friday I think? It would be nice and I hope a given that we finally get to see some launch games yeah, games that are not BC games.
As for the surprises thing. Been thinking about it a little and I hope they mean for both systems. It’s only a good thing that it has zero to do with platform comparisons, because that should mean it’s finally something actually interesting.
Can’t be about loading times, can’t be about if a game performs and looks better but can be about features for PS5 most of us thought it wouldn’t have. But then I start to wonder why Sony would stay quiet about cool ass features like a Quick Resume of their own.
Unfortunately I don’t think XSX has a surprise feature because it seems the YouTubers have shown it all, but that’s not certain just yet. Best would be if it’s indeed actually surprise games (doubt it) or shit…I’m out of ideas.
Interesting. I, too, have heard that the PS5 outperforms the X from random “insiders” but I have also heard the opposite. I suppose time will tell. The first group of games to compare are around the corner, so we will see.
I wouldn’t read too much into the surprise comment, it could be something as innocuous as people being pleassantly surprised by the experience of using the new consoles. Frankly, I’m expexting more than that, although I doubt that it relates to console wars drama.
Anyway, the Dual Sense features sound great to me, and I’d love it if MS would revise their controller to include something similar. My main concerns have always been whether price, battery life, and durability would be negatively affected. We now know that Dual Sense is more expensive than the Xbox controller, but all things considered, I’m finding the difference acceptable. Battery life remains to be seen, but durability worries me the most. With all those mechanisms crammed into that shell, I wonder if the controllers will last. Unfortunately, we probably won’t have an answer to that for a year or two.
And then, of course, there’s the question of support past the console’s first year or so.
Call of Duty maybe then? Because it certainly doesn’t seem to be the Ubi games. ACV, WDL, FC6.
Unless “they” mean Ubi games as well and if that’s the case…just assuming here, that even though resolution might be lower on PS5 for these games, things like pop in is less aggressive, maybe better LoD? Yeah, we’ll find out soon enough then.
If that’s the case I hope it’s just a matter of time, devs having to get used to Xbox Series. Would be a shame if not, with Xbox having the full RDNA 2 too.
What have you heard about the Ubisoft games? The only thing I have heard is that the X versions of the games seem to be running at Native 4k 60, while the PS5 versions are upscaled (so fake 4k).
And COD seems to have a deal with Sony, so maybe it will have the better version but who knows.
I also remember Dusk Golem note about the PS5 performance on RE, so I am trying to figure out HOW the PS5 could outperform the X…
I hear you man!
I also didn’t forget last year when a reputable source like Andrew Reiner from Game Informer said he heard devs told him PS5 was the more powerful system. Let’s say even back then RDNA 2 for XSX wasn’t known yet, it still would be the more powerful system.
And that’s just one example… I recall more insiders saying the same thing.
I dont see how the PS5 can perform better then the seriesX, it can only do spiderman mm at 4k 30fps with RT reflections.
I will be pretty pissed if the PS5 does have better 3rd party visuals because the best console visuals is one of the reasons I choose to get a seriesX.
Hey ho when do you guys plan to get a ps5?
Not for a while. Horizon 2 was turning my head but that’s on PS4 now. Final Fantasy 16 and whatever Naughty Dog does next will be my largest temptations.
It like really sketchy honestly. At these point, I heard the same about both systems, yet due to raw specs, I can only believe it for the Xbox. But if the PS5 ends up doing better, that would be surprising to say the least.
When a really good game comes out for it. For me that will probably be the first naughty dog exclusive. While god of war was a good game, it needs some improvements, the gameplay is a tad tedious, the upgrade systems are unnecessarily complicated and the map layout is not great( to many long windy rivers and paths).Its a good game but there plenty of other stuff I would rather play. Same with spiderman it has a fantastic story but the gameplay is either a stealth section or combat and that gets tedious, also the open world is a film set, looks great but zero depth or interactivity apart from several collectathons.
When we have things like these…it seems Ubi knows how to handle the Xbox Series X.
So if other games come out and it’s vice versa, I would say it’s just the developer that is adjusting to the new hardware and in those cases I expect things to smoothen out eventually.