Digital foundry XsX + PS5 Unboxing and impressions

What insiders have said ps5 will perform better?

I bet they are just nobody’s pretending to be an “insider”

We were just speculating about this …lol

edit: Ah, it’s the fan account.

The only logical explanation is the XDK on xbox series is really not that good or PS5 jas some RDNA3 or something.

You would of thought cross gen games would have the biggest difference on xsx, because cross gen games are designed to run on 7 threads they are not designed for multi threading so the XsX’s 3.8ghz cpu would come into play, and if devs are smart shifting power to the PS5s GPU the CPU would be in the 3ghz range, 800mhz is a pretty big difference in CPU.

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Speculation is fine but there is absolutely nothing indicating the PS5 will have better performing multiplats, Rich even said “not talking at all about platform comparisons”. So its just tales of the ass.

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Or that it’s behind, since they waited for the full RDNA 2. And if that’s the case, we’ll just have to be patient because I’m sure it will sort itself out.

Yep. But Windows Central reported the full 4K/60fps back in September.

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I don’t think we have had any sort of confirmation that nails the resolution on ACV. I’d just wait. The talk of the PS5 performing better is probably being overblown but we know that GDK was late hence DMC RT being late on Xbox. Let’s just wait and see. I don’t see there being a disadvantage long term on Xbox but launch could be hairy. Or it could be fine as expected.

I remember devs saying the ps4/ps4 pro had a better dev environment then the 1X but it didnt matter because the 1X was a lot more powerful.


Full 4k vs upscale.


Well, there it is.

Good job Ubi, because devs going the extra mile for the more powerful hardware isn’t a given. Especially when it isn’t the market leader. With exceptions like Rockstar, they truly put One X to the max.

Something will have to give. Even a 2080ti does not get anywhere near a locked 60fps at 4k.

This is nowhere near a confirmation. Just hold fire. Wait and see.


But not much. Graphical settings can be adjusted here and there and Bingo 60.


Ubi told it to Windows Central and Dualshockers. How isn’t that a confirmation? You lost me now.


Ubisoft put up a post this week saying it was 4K at 60 on both consoles. They use this terminology. We will just have to wait.


They said 4K at 60 for Xbox Series X and 4K and 60 for PS5. Then the Dualshockers article appeared, Ubi replied to that and Ubi now replied to Windows Central too.

Gonna be quite a while unless something exclusive REALLY impresses me. I’m intending to hold out until a hardware revision (or it gets hacked lol)

Regarding the Valhalla thing: I’m still on a 1080 TV for a little bit longer but I don’t know that I’d be able to appreciate the difference between native and upscaled? I assume native is better but without a side-by-side I don’t think I would spot it really (gonna have to see on the new TV!) At the end of the day, the main reason I’m going with Xbox for my third-party stuff is because they’ve really wowed me with their BC solution. I’ve been burned with digital PS3 and PSV purchases, and I like the idea of being able to fire up a game from 2 gens ago without having to deal with another box and it might look/run better.

If the gap is small between the consoles like some people suggest, then I probably wouldn’t notice the difference so it wouldn’t move the needle for me. If the gap is larger or increases in the favor of the XSX then that’s gravy! If it’s in PS5’s favor I’m not gonna lose any sleep over it.

I’m really curious to see how the XSS performs vs the ps5 at 1440 on a pc monitor and 1080 tv.


You know they edited the blog to say 4K at for both don’t you?

On paper the XSS shouls be able to do half the PS5 resolution with VRS enable on XSS or slight lower settings.

A good comparison is like the XSS = PS4 , PS5 = PS4 PRO

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