DF Direct: Halo Infinite Delay Reaction - Xbox 'Series S' Confirmed?

Yeah I have a feeling that If Infinite is a major disappointment then big changes will happen at 343i.

I been saying that myself

As someone who has no opinion on all the previous Halo games due to never playing any of them, im always reading posts that say 343 Industries has disappointed in one way or the other with Halo 4 and Halo 5 but are they truly disappointments or are they simply being compared to the four games that Bungie developed which seems to be at a level that 343 Industries can never reach?

People have had it in for 343 from the start because they dared to change things. There have been two major problems: the technical issues with the master chief collection and the lack of some fan favourite modes at the launch of Halo 5. Both of those problems have since been resolved. I still maintain that Halo 5 as it stands now has the best multiplayer of the series. There’s been a lot of talk of giving the game back to Bungie but the PvP in Destiny is not at all good.

People forget how much hate Halo Reach got for its armor abilities. There also wasn’t social media to complain about Halo 2s ending or the heavy downgrade from the E3 demo. So recency bias is happening here a bit. That’s not to say 343 didn’t fuck things up, it took them five years to fix MCC.

Not really. Bungie games were full of flaws and they changed things significantly between entries with things like dual wielding, equipment and armor abilities. The pistol in H2 was a massive downgrade from H1. They destroyed the shotgun from H1 and it was never as good again. Bungie wasn’t exactly great at storytelling and really did “finish the fight” in Halo 3. ODST and Reach were nice side stories, but the cupboard was left bare for 343 story wise.

343 has never had it easy, but 4 was a solid campaign and 5 has top tier multiplayer. At least 343 made every weapon feel balanced and viable, which Bungie never bothered to do. They’ve made great efforts and Bungie games are definitely put on a pedestal.

Yea its unfair to 343i just because they aren’t bungie people need let it go bungie isn’t coming back

I’m sorry but the One version is not getting dropped. Might as well shift your discourse to something else, kinda tired seeing so many people actually giving that idea as much headspace. Halo not launching with Series X was always possible, even Phil said it. But the game isn’t dropping support for One. Xbox has already made it clear the first two years or so, they shall keep supporting the One line up. It’d be a monumental nightmare to just backtrack on everything they’ve aligned their ethos around. Halo Infinite already looks great in gameplay (imo), they just need to sort out the visuals and lighting (I know you can only do so much, but they need to communicate why some parts of the visuals had to be gimped for other systems to take higher priority and Xbox needs to stop lying about it being designed for Series X from the ground up when we’re seeing insane amounts of pop-in and other issues).

I don’t expect it to get significantly better, but it’ll launch in a much better and more feature complete state as it was kinda proven true that some components couldn’t make it in time for console launch.

I am however expecting a Schreier investigation into 343 after launch. 343 also mentioned how they shall not be radio silent now till launch and release more and more info about the status of the game and little tidbits, I think staying silent these many years kinda backfired on them and point towards some difficulties during development, that’s very evident by now.

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The Xbox One version being dropped is the dumbest thing in the world. It really is to appease people’s feelings moreso than help the game. Majority of the game is already done. They are bringing stuff together at this point, and because that’s not happening well and the feedback and all that stuff, they decided to hold off. If you are gonna scrap the XBO, you might as well just make a new game.

Dropping it off is only arbitrarily stopping it from running on that console. They are still supporting PC, I doubt that they are designing the game around having an SSD cuz not everyone has SSD for their PC even if they are in more PCs. The game has been in development for years… Dropping XBO support is dumb, not viable, and won’t reach the amount of people that MS wants… And with that, this game was coming to xCloud… XCloud won’t have series X chips until sometime next year and I would presume late next year. So they made a game that can work on mobile cuz of xbo, on XBO, XSX, and PC… You want them to drop it so the XSX version is basically the only one? Dumb.

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I believe the guys at digital foundry know what they are talking about.

Yea, and I know what I’m talking about.

Next time, you should reply with something of substance.


they knew what they were talking about in the original demo reaction.

But one of the guys having an opinion about why the game needs to drop support for 50 million+ consoles is not really representative of Digital Foundry’s expertise on this decision.


I think when they say dropping Xbox One, they don’t mean it will automatically make the game look better, it will just make the game’s visual fidelity more easier to improve when you don’t have to worry about the limits of a 7 year old console.

Bingo. I’m not suggesting they drop current gen versions because that will magically lead to a “proper” next gen Halo. Instead not being spread as thin can help them accomplish what they are trying to achieve.

I like the DF guys and respect their work but I really have to disagree with John Linnemans take here. The way he talks sounds like its annoying to him that the game supports current gen and therefor doesn’t look next gen. If the game releases with the looks like it was shown but is otherwise brilliant, no one will care (there are plenty of great examples e.g. botw, H3). I also think for an open worldish 60fps title it looked good enough. Games are more then just graphics, but of course console wars really undermine that for this game. Am I the only one seeing the brilliance of an open world Halo game? And also supporting current gen for early titles makes just total sense. The jumps in graphics are never that great in the beginning.

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Well 2 out of the 3 digital foundry workers said it would be in series X best interest. I really don’t see how it’s even arguable that it isn’t.

It’s obvious from the gameplay demo that there are still a lot of issues with the game(at least as of a couple months ago). That was supposed to be representative of the series X version as well. I can only imagine how bad the issues with Xbox one.

Console games and the gamers that are going to be playing infinite more so expect a level of polish that’s very high. So there’s a ton of optimization/polish to be made still. Xbox one isn’t one version either. It’s 3, og one, S, and X. That’s 3 version that need a high level of polish. That’s a lot of man hours being spent there over the next 5+ months. Those efforts could be directed at the other versions of the game Instead.

Any other benefits to the next gen/pc versions are the cherry on top.

I think you’re missing the point that the game was missing standard graphical features found in other open world games running or worse hardware than the Xbox Series X tier pc the game was run on.

And I’m no I’m gonna piss people off here by saying this, but Halo Infinite has all the hallmarks of a poorly managed development process.

Yep exactly. With infinite getting content updates for years to come it will also streamline those efforts having fewer Consoles to worry about.

That’s speculation and no one can tell until the game releases. But I am staying optimistic of course. Especially since this multimillion dollar decision to delay the game shows their dedication to a polished and great halo experience. That alone is a good sign.

I’m more worried about that the game needs to be delayed despite 5 years of development. I see every other AAA game this year not being delayed until next year.