Devil May Cry 5: SE Ray Tracing Nextgen Console Upgrades

Nvidia has done a great job on marketing there ‘RTX’ branding.

Every RT stuff is being regarded as ‘RTX’

Well done Nvidia :wink:

The Xbox x RT hardware is in the Texture processors,the Ray accelerators run in parallel to the texture filter pipeline.The texture processors have a texture address unit,texture cache and a filter pipeline and a Ray accelerator.

The Ray intersection engine (Ray accelerator ) handles the BVH intersection testing and transversal.A shader unit issuses instructions to the texture processors which include ray data and BVH node pointer information.The texture processors perform four ray box node and one ray triangle intersection per clock.

By the way the PS5 uses the exact same RT method described here.

The update on PC will likely be free. Because paying for that shit wouldn’t fly with the pc community.

So likely they are getting the paid ones first on consoles and when they stop selling they will launch on Pc too.

Not sure that the RT hardware handles traversal. MS say in their own slide that traversal is handled by the shader.

PS5 and Xbox x do RT in exactly the same way.

Yes, but as I understand it, that’s CU bound, so we should expect quite a bit more from the XSX.

15% difference between the two in RT.

I’m looking forward to this, as I was never really able to play the original on 1S

I thought it would be wider for RT given how tied to CU count RT performance is?

Interesting. Can you explain how you came to this figure?

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321 billion is 15% of 379 billion.

Ray box intersections per clock Xbox x 4 x 52 x 1825 = 379.6 billion PS5 4 x 36 x 2230= 321.12 billion

Ray triangle intersections per clock Xbox x 52 x 1825 = 94.9 billion PS5 36 x 2230 = 80.3 billion

In rasterization the PS5 is 18% faster than Xbox x.

Triangles per seconds PS5 4 x 2230 MHZ = 8.92 billion Xbox x 4 x 1825 MHZ = 7.3 billion

Triangle culling PS5 8 x 2230 MHZ = 17.84 billion Xbox x 8 x 1825 MHZ = 14.6 billion

Pixel fillrate PS5 64 x 2230 MHZ = 142.72 billion Xbox x 64 x 1825 MHZ = 116.8 billion

You are calculating with the boost clock on PS5. Do the same with 1.9GHz and you get a more realistic picture.

The PS5 does not have a boost clock,so you don’t get to change the clock speed because you don’t like it,the GPU of the PS5 was designed to run at 2230 MHZ,it has a very robust cooling system to keep heat under control.

It is not about me liking anything or not. I’m going by the information making the rounds in the last couple weeks.

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The GPU in the PS5 does not have a base clock nor a boost clock,it operates very differently from a GPU found in PC’s,the vast majority of the time it will operate at 2230 MHZ,it will never operate at significantly lower speeds as PC’s do.Any drop in speed will be small and measured in ms.

PC variable power/temps variable frequency
Xbox x variable power/temps constant frequency
PS5 constant power/temps variable frequency

I’m not looking for a fight. DF will tell us the details soon enough. :smile:

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Be sure to come back for the full PS5 teardown and Digital Foundry analysis then. We count on you!