Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| It feels like it's taken 2077 years for this game to release (and might take another 2077 years for it to be fixed)

I find it weird that they haven’t announced what resolution and framerate this game will run at on Xbox Series and PS5. The secrecy around this game is more annoying than anything.

Well, to be honest if Rockstar did this I would give them a lot of shit for that, as would many other people. But driving is something I see in this game as optional and not the most important thing.


3 days!

Because very few people other than Ubisoft announce that stuff - and look at the nonsense Ubisoft came out with - and how it was wrong! Cyberpunk will be dynamic resolution and unlikely to be a solid 60 in performance mode (I’m thinking uncapped framerate) - so best they keep quiet I suspect.

So… yeah. The waiting game starts lol

’ It didn’t ruin my experience but undermined key moments ’

This sounds contradictory to me.

For those who preloaded the game earlier this week, there is a 15.41 GB patch now for Cyberpunk.

Edit: Finished downloading. It is still running through backwards compatibility.


The game is still 59.3 GB big on the Series X

So all of the cyberpunk reviews are done on PC? Interesting. It’s annoying how we most likely have to wait until release to see how this game runs on console.

I believe the patch rewrites some data instead of adding stuff on top of it, especially if it was meant to fix bugs.

Jesus Christ, are people actually concerned about a massive RPG having a main storyline that is ‘only’ 20 hours in length?

Playing games early is nice but honestly I really don’t envy reviewers. From what I have read most had to rush through the game to get the review out today, plus they had to play the unpatched version. I am really glad I can fully enjoy the game as a general consumer and how the game is intended to be.

Those screenshots he posted, damn that looks good!

He played on pc

And yea game looks really damn good im ready to lose myself after such a shit year

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60fps goodness here we come!

Rock on samurai :guitar:

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I am so torn between preordering this or waiting for patches. I really like what I’ve read in reviews! But I have no shortage of stuff to play right now and it sounds like waiting on Cyberpunk might be wise.