Cyberpunk 2077 |OT| It feels like it's taken 2077 years for this game to release (and might take another 2077 years for it to be fixed)

After having seen some videos by him about Series S and X I’m a bit done with him. I thought he was above such nonsense.

But it’s nice he likes the game.

Yeah, true but he showed his copy of Cyberpunk and it was for Xbox. LOL.

Hahaha, for real? That guy.

I guess he received it from CDPR?

Yes, that guy. - Dreamcast Guy

No, he bought it himself. Physical copy.

Any review codes that CDPR gives out will most likely be on PC as far as I know.

Hahaha, oh man, he’s a strange fella then. All that negativity and honestly…lies about the Xbox Series systems and he ends up buying it for exactly that. Lol! :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen one of his videos in a while so I can’t comment on them. All I can say is that he said he loves Cyberpunk 2077!!! :slight_smile:

Bring on the tenth! :ok_hand:

Hahaha. True. Cyberpunk will be awesome, no doubt about that.

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Come to think of it, the series s should run Cyberpunk around the Recommended system requirements. I think somewhere between what a 1060 is capable of and 1070. So It shouldnt run bad on Series S.

Lol that jackass comes off as a sony fanboy with all the lies he did about the series consoles hes one of the idiots who said Xbox has no games but awesome to hear the praise for cyberpunk2077 its gonna be awesome 4 days!

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I think i just copied the link

I agree with you but I also agree with the Xbox has no games but it’s missing the word “exclusive” in between no and games. Xbox has games. They just don’t have the exclusives yet but they will so just have to be patient. At this point, their exclusives simply need to “hit” and they will be fine and no one will be able to complain anymore.

As for Cyberpunk, im hyped for it but im waiting for the next gen upgrade in 2021. I want all the next gen stuff before playing it.

Fair enough but im impatient when it comes to cyberpunk2077 i will be playing it on series x and at launch it seems like its at 60fps already

Yeah, it’s going to be great.

Facts im debating between corpo or nomad

I’m most likely playing as a Nomad using the Female version of V from the 2018 45 minute demo as my character. Hopefully, she’s preset and can be selected instead of me having to create a character. When I play the game, I just want to play. LOL.


Nomad for me as it’s the only way to get the quest Alannah Pearce is a part of. Also I like the idea of starting outside Night City. May do a playthrough for the other 2 life paths eventually.

The one thing I noticed in the footage I find odd is that there doesn’t seem to be any damage when you crash your car.

Not a deal breaker, because it’s not about driving cars all the time for me but I wonder why they chose to leave it out.

Who knows its not really anything to nitpick at