Crisis Core: FF7 Reunion Announced (coming this Winter to Xbox)

FF15 was release on all plateforms at the same time and the sales ratio on Xbox One were very weak, so the FF7R just make sens. We XBox people need to buy game more if they’re hoping to see the sequel on their plateforme. SE may not consider a xbox port for FF7 at this rate.

If we start talking about what is fair and what’s not, the Bethesda games sales were around 50/50 on both Xbox and PS and Xbox and Bethesda still didn’t hesitate to lock their games out of PS, heck let’s not even talk about Rise of TR Xbox exclusivity deal while first game sold more on Playstation, that deal that almost killed the Tomb Raider franchise, it was when Rise came to PS4 that the sales reach very high numbers, of course Crystal regretted that after, so… yeah.

FF7R is on PC/Steam, that’s enough according to us all. Just get a tablet and stream, it’s the future :clown_face:

Wait till they find out that KOTOR Remake is also a full PS exclusive like Final Fantasy VII Remake. There will be complaints.

No, Square Enix should continue to release the games and build the community of players there. FF situation is a brain dead decision by SE unless they expect to be acquired by Sony (I don’t believe that though). It is easy to blame Xbox community just like it was easy for SE to blame SE West for games not selling well.

That’s why they were in talks to moneyhat their games for Xbox…Oh,wait :joy: If Sony could afford that, they would go after Bethesda too but it is not in Sony’s interest to engage into bidding wars against bigger entities. Thus they went after cheaper “I write bad words on your car” approach with Ghostwire, Deathloop and Starfield moneyhat (albeit unsuccessful).

By that time, Xbox will be big enough and acquire some other publishers so KOTOR exclusivity will look like a joke.

Counter factual…

If Xbox purchases Crystal Dynamics everyone would be fine with Final Fantasy being a PlayStation exclusive.

There would be perfect balance.


Xbox screwed this up by not purchasing Crystal Dynamics.

Very weak? It sold fine. So did KH3. It sold at a ratio youd expect for a weaker console and one selling nearly 3x less. Problem last gen was xbox was weaker console for a over half the gen. It wasnt u til RDR2 and the rise of the onex that xbox improved sales ratio

Kotor remake actually confirmed timed exclusive as per dev. So will definitely come to xbox probably sooner than you think.

Ms own bethesda now. So no need to put games on ps. They own the studios. Ps dont own any of these studios.

Youre logic on sales are pretty poor when you use the betheada sales logic

So xbox and ps shared 50 50 for bethesda games? Thsts pretty good for xbox considering ps4 outsold it nearly 3:1. So xbox gamers per console are buying bethesda games…so more betheada fans on xbox. Makes sense.

Your reasoning doesnt explain games like Star Ocean and imo inevitably KH4 coming to xbox. SE still making gsmes on xbox. Alot actually. Just not mainline FF. Which is being money hatted no doubt

Noone is doing favours for sony. They have to pay a lot and they know that.


Their “logic” is also verifiably false. Warriors gonna war.


There is a scenario where KOTOR bombs similar to Shenmue 3 so they never bother porting it even after the exclusivity period has expired.

Cmon man. Its kotor. Its going to do well. Cnat wait for that definitive edition on xbox

Shenmue 3 was awful. Thats why it bombed.


Sure in hindsight Shenmue 3 was bad but that didn’t stop it from being useful during PS4’s E3 of dreams. Sometimes the exclusivity announcement is more important than if the game is any good or not.


This wouldn’t surprise me at all and im expecting a few other timed/full exclusives from Sony when they have their showcase in what will most likely be September.

I mean sony were playing the nostalgia game.

Highly doubt; the number of exclusives Sony trounced as fully exclusive that have ended up on Xbox far outweigh the handful that don’t.

Have we already forgotten Sony taking down the tweet which contradicted the developers’ statement about exclusivity, after they were called out? I digress, as this thread is about Crisis Core…


True. Probably more timed than full but I am expecting them to continue paying for shit. All comes down to what games and when.

More people are talking about FF7R and if it ever comes to Xbox than they are Crisis Core. lol

Do you have a link or context to this? Not surprised one bit that I never heard about this considering how nobody reports Sony doing shady shit like this, where as if this was Microsoft it would’ve been on the front pages on gaming forums everywhere.

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I think both devs of sifu and kotor came out clarified timed exclusivity. Meaning it will come to xbox

Journos wont report anything on sony but tbf MS is becoming more powerful. Last gen media just trampled over them and their games.

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I won’t hold my breath on that to be honest. If the game is good, don’t expect it to lose exclusivity.

Isn’t this thread about the Crisis Core remake and not the exclusivity of FF7R, etc? I wonder if they’re going to make any substantial changes to help fit this game into the new narrative of the FF7 Remake games. It looks almost like an upres but I’m hoping they improve the combat at minimum. CC was great as a portable game back then but I don’t think it holds up well.

So no tomb raider Xbox deal didn’t almost kill the series in fact the deal is the only reason a sequel was allowed to continue development.

Geoff had a article about this awhile ago saying the studio was way over budget and behind scheduled when that deal was finialized to help offset costs. Microsoft’s 3 “big” exclusive agreements last gen were more helping the games get created. But the other differences as many said I wouldn’t care if they came out back in 2015 when it was announced and said lifetime exclusive… cool but to constantly be like deals over but still not coming due to extensions or whatever is just odd tbh


Sifu maybe. Kotor has 0 chance of being ps exclusive for long. Its star wars and 3rd party dev making it.

A crisis core remake topic wouldnt have more than 10 posts lets be real lol

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Perspective: Within the matter of a few weeks (and most within a few minutes), we learned that the top Japanese fighter (Street Fighter), highest rated Japanese RPG series (Persona), one of the highest-rated Japanese action studios (Team Ninja), and one of the biggest names in Japanese development (Kojima) all were coming to Xbox after skipping most or all of the last generation on the platform.

As time goes on, the cost of moneyhats will increase while the impact of money-hats will be diluted. Whether or not these games have sold well on Xbox in the past isn’t the core issue. As big gaming companies get ready for a paradigm change, they’re looking for opportunities. Phil has talked about this…and helping to increase mindshare of these companies with a new audience. Big, publicly traded companies want to grow with the market and that’s why past console sales aren’t holding back most Japanese developers and publishers anymore.

So we’ve seen very few successful new moneyhats of key franchises since 2020…when most were announced before Microsoft bought Bethesda or signed intent with ABK. Final Fantasy appears to be an exception. I wouldn’t correlate what’s going on there to anything else. It’s clearly a special type of arrangement meant to frame mainline Final Fantasy like it’s a 2nd party Sony franchise. It feels short-sighted both ways unless Sony agreed to put their marketing and other internal resources towards Final Fantasy in unusual and significant ways relative to other 3rd party IPs.

Otherwise, this is one of the final holdouts and soon to be a relic of an old paradigm. Console moneyhats don’t do anything for the business “beyond consoles”…which is something that will only grow in importance over the next few years.