Thanks. With Sonic still in Sega’s hands I think it would be nice if Xbox had a cool platform character. I think Blinx could be re-imagined and rebooted as a really cool platform character.
Haha I love the way you phrased that… someday, someday Sega will be ours
Maybe but until then better to use what we have. Who knows if Xbox went hard with their own platformers Sega just might come running faster.
Alright Luma Dream Machine is pretty awesome. So basically create your original image using Microsoft Copilot… use Adobe Lightroom for editing… send image to Luma Dream Machine for Animation.
Sound on
This stuff is full of potential, but now I have to keep learning to use new programs and apps though
Okay so to make something like this on iPad the process is…
MicrosoftCopilot for the original image. (Free)
Adobe Lightroom for edits. ($5 a month)
Luma Dream Machine for AI Video animation. ($30 a month) for extracting audio from a YouTube clip. (Free)
CapCut for video editing (Free)
@Haven Haha I can tell that you love mascot platformers
I certainly do. Don’t you? Xbox lacks this and so does PlayStation. I like Sonic but it is severely lacking in that fantasy like idea Marios has. The characters are cooler in sonic though.
Yeah definitely. I’m really looking forward to astrobot… it’s the main reason I bought a PS5 again lol Literally the first thing I said when Xbox bought Activision is… “Xbox owns Crash Bandicoot ” It felt like a realization of the dream Xbox had in OG Xbox 2000s era when they so desperately wanted a marquee mascot, and now they finally have one in Crash.
So don’t judge me too harshly but my two most played Xbox games these days are the Mascot Fighter “MultiVersus” and the Mascot Racer “Disney Speedstorm”
Also, I obviously buy everything Nintendo. Basically if it has Mario in the title, I will buy it haha
Sega is also a huge part of my gaming fandom. I love the idea of Microsoft buying Sega and returning the Sega brand to its former glory… if only I were in charge of Xbox things would be way different. Sega and or WB games would’ve been my focus and not Activision. With all those properties I’d green light 100 games in my first year
Never played Astrobot it does look good though but lacking in personality. The game looks like a celebration of PlayStation which is good, but the character needs to be able to stand alone in his own world. I like Nintendo also have the Switch and buy their games just never play them. I’ve only played one Mario game and didn’t go far before getting bored. I sincerely hope their next platform is considerable powerful enough for their games to be worth my time. I would also get Sega and WB if I were in charge. Some of my designs were towards Blinx being a better re-imagined platformer as the artist and co-creator of Sonic is responsible for the game.
AI Image made with Microsoft Copilot.
Animation made with Luma Dream Machine.
Video edited in CapCut.
*** Sound On***
Took one of my popular Microsoft Copilot images and turned it into a fun parody of Coolio’s gangsters paradise (using Luma Dream Machine and CapCut)
I made my fist ever “gif” today.
Image made in Microsoft Copilot, animation made in Luma Dream Machine, edited in CapCut video editor.
So here’s the deal with Luma Dream Machine. It’s really really cool… but… a lot of the times the 5 seconds of video it gives you is probably only about 1 or 2 seconds of “good / usable” video. Honestly that’s fine, it just necessitates that a lot of your AI Videos are going to need editing tricks and obviously plenty of looping.
This was the original Moana animation. Although “funny” … it didn’t really maintain the quality throughout.
Or Maye it’s fine with the full video for the “gif”
This one I made today was just calling to be made into a .gif
This also happens to be a personal triumph for me because I always loved the Bing image but HATED the weird long foot. Well fast forward a few months and I was able to use Adobe Lightroom to fix the foot.
Adobe Lightroom
I’m pretty proud of this one…
So to create this I used Microsoft Copilot for the image. Then Luma Dream Machine for the animation. And CapCut to create the video loop, music, and subtitles.
I’m still pretty blown away by this technology.
As usual, no one is amazed by anything anymore, so most won’t notice this new tech revolution again
All this is cool but considering this is a gaming site you might want to inspire art more related to gaming.