Copilot (formerly Bing) |OT|

Another Video game one I did… :slightly_smiling_face:

Which brings me to a question… what format should I use to upload videos in this thread… Do people prefer TikTok or Twitter? (YouTube is sort of a nonstarter for me since they keep flagging my videos for copyright.)

Much better. I guess I’d ask what’s your goal with this. For me I tend to want to inspire new ideas with platformers and would love to see more people participate here perhaps we could help redesign one of Xbox’s platformer or franchises. I guess I’ll try to start experimenting with video as well.

My goal in this thread is to just speak candidly about using Microsoft Copilot. It’s probably my favorite hobby these days, maybe above or equal to gaming. That said…

My goal with Twitter was to make money. At that goal Im failing … I naively thought it would be easy :joy:

I will say, I’m finding the frustration of not breaking Twitter algorithm making me want to take a bit of a break. Maybe take a step back just spend more time playing Xbox :sunglasses:

Never even checked your twitter till now. I would say the same thing though. What people want to see is something that surprises them. Like on the gaming side for example seeing something Elden Ring or Starfield related. I would bet some of the images I posted would spark interest. Maybe focus like I said on something original in gaming, it could be a redesign of known and beloved characters and a 5 second video that is akin to gameplay would go far.

Something else there are a lot of podcasts out here that you can help maybe with opening, closing video, avatar or such. Remember this is a gaming website. I like the Bob Marley and others but if you’re looking to make business out of it, I think podcasts could be a good start

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To be honest, my plan was never to make it a business thing, I figured Twitter would be an easy way to make $200 a month, just messing around and posting images… It hasn’t really worked out that way :laughing: Even after almost a full year I still haven’t gotten into the AD revenue sharing program.

Aww well, I gave it a shot. Dabbling recently with TikTok and YouTube and running into similar road blocks (or in YouTubes case copyright issues)… honestly I’m probably going to take a break from AI and just spend more time playing Xbox. There doesn’t seem to be “easy money” in social media, I wasn’t really looking to make it a full time job :upside_down_face:

AI will still be a fun hobby though.

People really switch off when they know it is AI; you might have to think about running it as an “AI-assisted” type deal (or maybe keep it on the down low).

Otherwise, as most of the arts people just want smut, so likely have to download a local AI model with the safety layers turned off for requests :slight_smile:

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I had quite a few random clips of cars so I set them to Fear Factory’s Cars from the PS1 and Dreamcast classic Test Drive 6. I loved that game so much back in the day :v:

Sometimes Luma Dream Machine is kinda lame and only zooms in or pans. Kinda disappointing when it does that :upside_down_face:

I decided to give my take on the Xbox Power Your Dreams speech

The speech was kind of long so I tried to mix the repeat images up with different filters and effects using CapCut’s different editing options. Also I added a techno backdrop to give it a bit of extra punch.

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Images made with Microsoft Copilot… animated with Luma Dream Machine… edited with CapCut…

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So I was editing a video today and I was reminded of this old Sega CD game that I used to play.


It was one of the cheapest games at FuncoLand for SegaCD, so I’m guessing I wasn’t the only Sega kid that remembers it. :grin: The “game” had you edit together short clips of your choosing, to create your own music video.

Anyway that’s my random nostalgia hit. Life is kind of funny like that :v:

Now I need to find a C&C Music Factory song for my next video. The feels will probably be overwhelming…


I like the capsule. Feels like there’s an idea there.

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I thought as a bit of fun, I would try a bit of an AI face-off (Firefly). Dall-e definitely wins this round.

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Actually I’m glad you mentioned Firefly. I only ever use Microsoft Copilot but I love taking the Copilot image over to Adobe Lightroom and making adjustments. Adobe Lightroom is awesome. Makes me wonder if I should give Adobe Firefly a try… How much is Adobe Firefly? How do you like it?

I currently pay a lot for Photoshop, Substance, Lightroom, etc. through a subscription. However, I’ve heard about Adobe Express, which I believe offers a free trial or a much lower cost compared to what I’m paying ($23 a month).

In Photoshop, the AI capabilities are great for generating and altering images. However, it’s limited because it’s trained on stock photos and can’t generate things like Mario or Superman. It’s really hit or miss when generating from scratch, but tends to be better when using an image as a base for style and then prompting it.

So for instance this is your skull used as reference, but I wanted to to be shattering and forming birds, which I just couldn’t get it to understand.

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Cool, thanks. Yeah I really get a lot of use out of my $5 Adobe Lightroom subscription. Adobe Lightroom is great at altering images, I’m pretty sure Lightroom uses the same generative AI tech as Photoshop anyway.

There is something to be said about just picking one program like Microsoft Copilot and (attempting to) master it. I love that Copilot is free so I can experiment to my heart’s content. Everything made in Copilot isn’t necessarily repeatable or perfect which I think turns people off from using it. That said, Adobe Lightroom is more than capable of fixing most Copilot images.

I still wanted to ask though since I’m in my Copilot bubble. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing out :v::slightly_smiling_face:


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