Bonnie Ross (343 Industries) apologizes fans for Halo Infinite delay


Iā€™m sorry but this is some of the most entitled drivel Iā€™ve heard, especially when every developer I know talks about the last 12 months being the most impactful to the project. With COVID affecting so much of that time period, Iā€™m absolutely accepting of the apologyā€¦ because Iā€™m an adult and I know that almost half a million will die, dozens of millions unemployed, and entire industries torn asunder due to COVID. Additionally, this is Halo not Last of Us, if you want photorealistic youā€™re barking up the wrong tree; I donā€™t mean that as a knock on Halo at all, they excel in stylistic and wondrous.


Definitely November 2021

My post was not toxic. Seems you guys just want to keep receiving early review copies and interviews with devs instead of fostering intelligent discussion.

Yes it was dude you were calling for her and others to be fired if the release disappoints/ doesnā€™t resonate with community yea there will be changes i fully agree but calling for people to be fired just because of an apology? Seriously? Did you forget about covid? At least be respectful that they actually did the right thing for the health of the team, the game and Xbox as a whole Microsoft KNOWS they cannot rush this game out its Really important

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People here are allowed to express disappointment or have low expectations. You donā€™t have to agree with anyone on staff. You donā€™t have to be positive 100% of the time. We are drawing the line at publicly calling for industry peopleā€™s jobs. We also wonā€™t entertain conspiracy theories as to intentions due to disagreement. This goes towards discussions about anyone else in the industry including other developers, influencers and journalist. Focus on the subject matter rather than conspire about intentions whenever thereā€™s disagreement.

This is about figuring out how we, not just us mods, but everyone in this forum can work together towards a balance to have a more supportive and positive community. A positive community doesnā€™t mean people being positive all the time or corporate cheer-leading. It does mean we have to get better at discussion without making it personal when someone has a different perspective or we donā€™t like someoneā€™s results. Weā€™re trying to be different. In the future, if you or anyone here feels like thereā€™s opportunities for us to consider in regards to moderation, feel free to message me. I will escalate, discuss with the site staff and respond to those considerations.

In the meantime, letā€™s be good to each other.


Well said

They had almost 5 years (and tons of money) before the COVID. The game has obviously been in development hell for quite some time way before COVID. As for photorealistic , there have been many fans asking for a Halo game that looks like the CGI cutscenes of the halo wars series. A photorealistic Halo would send the Internet into frenzy and the hype through the roof, instead of the 2001 art style that we keep getting.

Find me a single game that actually looks like Halo CGI


lol Blurā€™s cinematics are the pinnacle of the industry, games in general wonā€™t be able to achieve that sort of fidelity for at least a few more years.