Black Myth: Wu Kong - 13 Minutes Official Gameplay Trailer

Black Myth: Wukong, developed by Game Science Studio, is now revealed to all!

This is a Action-Adventure video game. Check out our 13-minute gameplay trailer here. The gameplay footage is recorded directly from a pre-alpha game build work in progress. Hope you enjoy it.

Don’t fear death, fear a life unlived.

Official Website:

Looks amazingly stunning! @XboxP3 please take a look!

Some great artworks added

Some enviromental videos

More info from ZhugeEx thanks to @Marcos


This HAS to come out on Xbox, please!!! Looks absolutely astonishing

Looks great, is it coming to Xbox?

Some next level shit!!

i loved this so much! will be sure to play it! this rise of chinese game studios makes me happy :slight_smile:

more info from Zhuge:

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That does look amazing. I love the environmental destruction during the fights and the fur catching on fire, etc. They did a good job capturing some of the amazing Chinese topography and adding the mythical flair to it.

I hope the combat/gameplay isn’t a Souls-like difficultly and maybe more along the RPG lines of Dragon’s Dogma (LOVED Dragon’s Dogma!).

This is definitely on my watch list, now! Thank you for sharing, OP.

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Yoooo this shit looks amazing! I’ll be devastated if this doesn’t release on Series X the graphics will be insaneeee hopefully this is a early 2021 release?

Edit: Just read the article posted in here with more info and unfortunately the devs expect 2+ more years of development which is a bummer since it’s using UE4. Nonetheless the game looks super cool and I’ll be paying attention to it’s development now. 2020 sucked as far as game news but it’s looking like come Fall 2021 into 2022 we’re going to be getting hit with bangers every other month! Can’t wait.

The Zhuge link says it’s coming to consoles and PC. Seems like that means Xbox and Playstation. Which is superb because man…this looks great. Did this remind anyone else of Enslaved too? The combat with the stick and everything?

Some artworks from the official website

This is next gen. Holy shit where did this come from?

These visuals too, these are the kind of visuals I’d love for the upcoming RPGs by XGS too, oh my.


You’re welcome!

It’s exactly the kind of game we need, fantastical word, mythical creatures, ARPG, beautiful graphics and striking art direction sometimes it made me think of Sekiro by Fromsoftware with the environments and creatures. They played Sekiro indeed.

This game bring a big breath of fresh air. If next gen starts like that, it is really encouraging for the future.

Also it is obvious it runs on a high specs pc just look a the fur and smoke tech with all the post processing effects, particle and so on. Lots of great stuff adding together making it look impressive while running on UE4. if the game needing 2 more years means UE5 update obviously so more polish and performance increase to expect. Sounds good.

@XboxP3 take a look at this please! They might seek partnership or funding etc please help them.

Maybe a studio like this could join XGS, would bolster the portfolio greatly. Xbox needs this kind od games really imho. Of course they have to check the projects and viability etc but, it seems really really exciting.


I didn’t put it together at first, but now that you connected the dots for me. . . yes!

based on the same setting of the story “Journey to the West”, that’s why.

Sorry, you mistake with Odyssey to the West by Ninja Theory. They are not the same games at all in fact.

Some new environmental videos


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Thanks! Will add to the OP.

This game is gonna be sick! Completely came out of nowhere and instantly became one of my most anticipated. I was just talking to a buddy of mine and man come 2022 the possibilities are endless. Future looking bright :heart_eyes:

Thread updated with new pics and vids and additional info from Zhuge.

Phil should talk to them, very promising studio.

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@XboxP3 is here on the forums. We should keep sending him feedback about that. They say Xbox team is listening and learning. Then please take it in consideration.

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