“The first thing I would like to say is that I respect every competitor’s decision and their philosophies,”
“Clearly, price is a very important factor. We respect other companies’ competitive strategies. However, we are fully committed to and believe in our current strategy and the effect it will have.
“One thing that can be said is that if you look at the history of the game business, creating a special low priced, reduced spec console is something that has not had great results in the past. We’ve considered that option and seen other executives who have attempted this discover how problematic it is.”
They were also fully committed to not putting their exclusives on PC or have them be cross-gen. Come on Jim “dance moves” Ryan, just put the exclusives on PS Now day one. You’re going to do it eventually so why not now??? Come on Jimbo, there’s a nice new crisp $10 bill in it for ya. lmao.
To be perfectly fair, he wasn’t particularly talking about the Series S and mentions beforehand in another quote in the interview that he respects the business practice taken by other companies.
However the jist of his message stays the same and remains utterly baseless. There has been no other comparison of same current gen cosole releasing at different specs. The only comparison that comes to mind is the 2ds except the 2ds was an actual successful launch. What is his opinions based on actually and how do people even logically defend this?
Honestly I am so very tired of this “Series S will hold next gen back” narrative. Anyone who has played a single game on PC knows how much games can be optimized. Even the most terrible of ports have resolution options that make drastic difference in compatibility. When has that held ‘gaming’ back.
The example I always use is the classic case of Crysis. I was able to run that back in the days on 30fps on my potato pc with 100 dollar gpu by lowering everything down. That’s how optimization works. It’s not rocket science and it doesn’t hold anything back.
I have nothing against Jim, and I also think we don’t have to bring up everything he says… That being said, he is one sound bite away from being Sony’s Don Mattrick.
He sounds like he’s shook. Why else would he say something as ridiculous as that?
This has never been done before. There is no precedent or history for it. This is legitimately the first time a console maker has attempted to launch a low price and lower speced console along side the more powerful offering.
To say that this has not had great results in the past is laughable.
Next gen is lining up very nicely for Xbox. Once the games start hitting, it’ll be off to the races. If they can polish up Halo and have it hit early to mid 2021 and it’s GREAT, look out
Of course he would say that, but any decent interviewer would immediately call that out and pressure him to explain himself instead of presenting his statement as gospel. You know like all those sites do constantly with Xbox reps, specially during xbone launch?
But I guess working as free Sony PR machine pays better.