Assassin's Creed Valhalla patch incoming, 60fps being added to Xbox Series S

Yes, exactly this. Its so strange that the SeriesS gets flack for not hitting its advertised resolution but the 4k twins get a pass.


Manbabies man, itā€™s ā€œthe most expensive toy I can haveā€¦ and casuals need to stay away! They hold me back!ā€. Seriously their partners should kick them up the arse more going ā€œNO! You will get a Series S and you will like it Mister! If itā€™s good enough for Little Timmy, it is good enough for you! Now go mow the lawn and clean the gutters!ā€.

I joke a bit, but many of these fanboys could use that kick up the butā€¦ for goodness sake, they are sometimes past 40! Yet still post crap likeā€¦ and I still regret seeing this yesterday:ā€œSpongebob eating shit from a dogbowl while having an Xbox beanie!ā€ as a reply to Tom Warren :frowning_face:. But then they also ruined classic gaming with their pricingā€¦ so whatā€™s the point in bringing it up LOL.


Played about an hour of Valhalla this morning. I definitely noticed at least one instance of screen tearing, so itā€™s not gone. But it seems like it may be lessened.

Yup, itā€™s better than it was.

Oh you can still make it screen tear by standing in some places and spinning the camera round. But the screen tearing in that scenario is LESS than before or less noticeable. In normal gameplay I didnā€™t notice much at all and in cutscenes it seems to be gone. Iā€™d guess its close to the levels on PS5 nowā€¦

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Looks great. Now All Series S and X games have fps parity (if you donā€™t include 120fps)

I canā€™t play the game myself right now but in terms of IQ did performance mode take a noticeable hit or nah?

And quality mode, significant difference?

Couldnā€™t find any downgrade to resolution or settings in performance mode. Seems performance just gone up.

For the resolution mode I found it incredibly useless. You can tell itā€™s running at a higher res but couldnā€™t notice any other improvements and even the distance based settings seems to be around the same as performance mode.

But I didnā€™t compared them extensively because it takes a restart to change it.

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This looks amazing! Iā€™m really impressed with this. So far, IMO this is the best demo for series s. Big open world game with excellent graphics at 60 fps, all of that for $299.

Tested a bit more still quite a bit of tearing when you move the camera quickly. Especially in settlement and town.

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I checked out quality mode and in no time I switched back to performance mode. In these 10 or so hours Iā€™ve gotten so used to the incredibly smooth experience that is 60fps that I just canā€™t go back.

As soon as I panned the camera around it was so sluggish, I would almost sayā€¦nauseating. Not a clear vision at all. Whereas with 60fps you have a clear vision when you walk/run around and rotate the camera.

For me 60fps is the future. Sure, if some RPGs by XGS end up being 30fps I will adjust to it but I hope they provide options. Especially after having tested both these modes and I donā€™t see a striking visual difference.

For me, next gen is about framerate.

120 FPS is trully fantastic, love it.

If a game is 30fps by default i can deal with it but if thereā€™s a 60fps option i will always use that no matter what.

Agreed, framerate truly is proving to be a game changer. Sure we had some 60fps games on Xbox One X like Gears 5, Halo 5 and the FM games but never a really big open world game. But here we are.

The sweetspot will be 60fps I think, depending on genre probably. Competitive online shooters can get a option for 120fps but big open world action adventures or RPGs are absolutely fine at 60fps in my opinion. 120fps would be a waste of resources they otherwise could have used.

60 FPS is ā€œgood enoughā€ 30 is really extreme for me now, just on some precise case I accept it.

120 FPS is a luxury, but in competitive game itā€™s really nice (like Bleeding Edge would be way better with 120 FPS)

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Ps5 runs Valhalla worse now


If I hated Assassins Creed Origins would this game not do much for me?

RIP Ps5 performance advantage Nov. 2020 - Nov. 2020


Probably would be better off skipping it or renting it if possible. If you didnā€™t like Origins, I would be very surprised if you ended up liking Valhalla.