Hi there,
1st topic here, I just realized that Tango and Mikami are under Zenimax, so I assume they are now part of Xbox Team?
If so, I’m soooo happy, as a huge fan of the 1st Evil Within, it’s a japanese studio for Xbox?
Is it the case?
Hi there,
1st topic here, I just realized that Tango and Mikami are under Zenimax, so I assume they are now part of Xbox Team?
If so, I’m soooo happy, as a huge fan of the 1st Evil Within, it’s a japanese studio for Xbox?
Is it the case?
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Microsoft Acquiring Zenimax/Bethesda
To avoid thread clutter I’ve moved this one to the announcement thread. Can also be discussed in the Xbox Game Studios thread.