Anybody having extremely slow download speeds plus other issues with Xbox Series X?

My downloads were somewhat slow but not as bad as yours. You sure you don’t have other problems with your network?

I’m not sure what other’s issues are. My download speeds on the Series X are just insanely fast, as long as I’m not playing anything at the time. I downloaded JFO in less than six minutes, and Ori took about three - I’m averaging more than 700MB/s even at “load”

My test results for the network are close to a GB in the living room using the CAT6 cabling instead of wireless. That is where the box is living for now as opposed to the theater, though I might tinker with it over the weekend.

I never had downloads like this with the PS4 - have to be careful not to download more and bust my Internet cap

My network is fine, no other devices are having problems. Did a speed test through both xboxes and no issues. Can’t buy anything from the store because the price never shows up, can’t download from gamepass on the console but the phone app works fine. I registered both consoles on my microsoft account but they both show as an original xbox one. Forza Horizon finally finished updating after 4 days now only 20 more updates to go.

Okay, as we share anecdotal download speeds.

Germany. 100Mbps down / 30Mbps up.

DL speed (no game played or in background): around 80-90 Mbps (incl. launch day when US was added)

DL speed (game in background): around 30-35 Mbps.

This are the same speeds that I had forever. No change there.

@fanger I would investigate what your nearest data center for download is. Do you have one down under? Because if not, no surprises here.

My download speed issues cleared up after Wednesday.

I can report that MS must have done something because now my download times are as bad as they were before ! :laughing:

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There are likely two things why Xbox Series console limit download speed while you play a game: The first one is that people usually think, it’s to not compromise your multiplayer games. Another overlooked thing is though that Microsoft’s SSD is all about a minimum sustained speed of 2.4 gigabytes per second. Imagine that a download now generating IO load with 100 megabytes per second writing to the SSD - this would result in lower read performance and Microsoft needs what sustained speed so they lower the write load to the SSD while playing a game.

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Yes we have 2 Microsoft data centres in Australia. One is in my citiy so there shouldn’t be any issues with speed. I don’t have any speed problems downloading from the Microsoft store on PC. Speed issues aside I’m unable to buy anything from the store or download anything from xbox pass on the console. If I use the store on the console it works fine but the price never shows up for anything, this works fine on PC. With gamepass on the console I just get a blank page but again works fine on PC and mobile.

Try a factory reset, but backup your downloads before on an external drive. Maybe something was corrupted.

I have Darksiders 3 on in quick resume and also ACV. Download speed for Fallout 4 now is 40mbps. So I fully closed down ACV and the speed jumps up to 200+.

QR doesn’t play nice with more than one game running.

Games being in quick resume are just SSD dumps. They aren’t running in the background. If you do have a game running in the background (as in if you click it’s icon you are straight back in) then it throttles your speed. But Xbox always has done this.

Also just so you know they’ve switched off QR for ACV now so now you’ve closed it down you won’t be able to QR anymore till they patch it.

Yep, Xbox One had this too. But what I meant is, I had both Darksiders 3 and ACV in QR and I was on the dashboard checking to see what the speed was. As soon as I fully closed ACV, speed went up crazily. So more than one game in QR will eat up download speed, even if you are not currently playing anything.

So as great as QR is, I have to keep in mind that if I’m about to download something big, I’ll have to close all the games except one. It’s not a huge deal.

Odd. I’ve had two games in QR states, ACV and downloads have been full speed.

That’s indeed odd then. Hmmm. Maybe depends on games? Not sure.

I had controller issues and quick resume problems, nothing else yet, fingers crossed. Getting a new controller shipped to me soon.

The download speeds have been good the past 2 days but before that they were awful.

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