'Ads' on XboxEra - Community Discussion

I shopped for underwear last week. Now I’m seeing underwear ads on the forum. Gotta love adsense! :stuck_out_tongue:


Turn that into an advantage. Search for Models or such… :sunglasses:

It should be a 75/25 split. Maybe you’re just incredibly lucky!

Gotta be, I don’t think I’ve seen even one legitimate ad yet.

Edit: figured it out. My xboxera app was originally based off a browser with default ad blocker so the only ads coming through were from the xboxera platform as they weren’t external. Just changed to a browser without a blocker for this site only.



Has someone been having some sporadic problems with the forum app since the ads were introduced?

Every once in a while the app gets really laggy and I have to force its shutdown for it to go back to normal. I’m not sure if it’s related to the ads, I am just assuming because of the timing.

It happened three times so far.

I’m on a S20+, btw

I’m on the same phone, but I haven’t had a problem, though I actively browse more often on a desktop. I’ll try only using my phone tomorrow to see if I can replicate it. Thanks for the heads up.

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It happened to me again today, and this time I managed to record it. It happens when I reach the end of the page and the bottom ad loads.

In the video I’m swipping up and down. It is normally VERY smooth (I have the 120 Hz mode enabled), but sometimes I reach the end of the page and the ad is still loading, which slows the whole app. At the end of the video the ad is already loaded and the swipping goes more smoothly.

I should reiterate that it does not happen all the time, though.

Update: My problem seems to be with this ad and this ad only. The app runs fine with Google adsense and the Podcast/ Patron ads, but that specific ad in the video (that is not from Google because it is a product not available in my country and in a foreign language) is causing the slow downs. @Sikamikanico

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While I’ve not been able to replicate, I’ve blocked that ad and several like it. Let me know if it makes a difference.


A full day later and I haven’t stumbled into another slow down yet. Thanks!!

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Just to confirm my theory: yeah, the problem was definitely that Ad. That fucking clown started appearing for me on OtherEra and my browser app is also experiencing slow downs.

I did not have any more problems in here since you kindly removed that Ad.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of Ad is that? Is there any possible explanation for it to be causing this sort of problem?

There’s this one Spectrum ad that starts with an old man waving…can we remove just that ad? Dude creeps me out as I’m scrolling through posts. Don’t know what Spectrum were thinking.

Now I’m curious. Lol.

I’ll take a screenshot next time I see it lol.

Please - I can block it once I see what it was.


Okay, it took a while but here he is. I thought I was finally free of him, but he haunts me once again.



He seems quite friendly! (I’ll see if I can hunt him down and destroy him!)

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You can try to disable it for yourself too. Click on X and choose one of the options.

Usually, Google will respect your choice and not display an ad for you. Also, it can happen that they will continue displaying specific ads until enough reports are received. Never forget that advertisers’ money over user experience is Google moto.


It’s something about his eyes, they seem dead inside…I don’t trust him lol.

Cheers! Honestly didn’t think of that as I always use ad blocker except for this site lol.