Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts

To be honest, neither had I until she and I started dating. It’s crazy how ableist the world really is, but most people don’t even notice it because it doesn’t negatively affect them, and I really don’t want to see this continue in the gaming world (though lots of companies, especially Coalition and Insomniac, are making great strides to add lots of accessibility options to their games).


Achievements will still require time and dedication to collect for normal games, difficulty achievements are super boring anyways, especially if you have to play the same game multiple times.

I hope Xbox will give the achievement system some love soon, it really needs it.

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As someone who has a chronic illness myself, I totally get where you’re all coming from. I was mostly thinking in the future if it becomes a norm. I just feel MS is phasing out achievements and don’t seem interested in them at all. If there is no challenge in getting them, then why even bother with them it all. Maybe it’s time to overhaul the whole system?

But I also understand accessibility is more important. It’s great that more people can enjoy gaming. Maybe it’s time to just forget about them altogether and move onto the next game once I’m done with the story, haha :grin:

I just thought it was an interesting topic.

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It’s definitely an interesting topic.

I’ll admit I do worry about the state of achievements from time to time and I do think they take a “back seat” in the mindshare at Xbox. Hopefully they have some good ideas swirling around, because I do think the system needs an overhaul of sorts.


I don’t think difficulty related achievements is that big of a part of achievements. There can still be a lot of achievements not related to how hard the gameplay is. Collecting things, different story paths, misc. ones, etc. It’s not a big deal tbh, achievements is still fun and this won’t affect it much.



Here are the trophies for the original Psychonauts

There is really no difficulty specific achievement in the game, just artificial gates because of arguably questionable game design. And you still need 15+ hours to unlock all. Psychonauts 2 will not be very different.

I think there are just better games to base this discussion on. Should games from Xitilol exist, should you be able to unlock 1000gs in 5 minutes with the help of savegames or console commands? There are around 4.000 games with achievements and the majority are absolutely fine. Some outlieres here or there are not a problem in my opinion, just use them for Reward Quests :woman_shrugging:

MS is not phasing out achievements. The Xbox app just got them back. But they should look to improve them, like show us our completed games and dlc somewhere like on 360.


The whole Xitilol thing is nonsense and I’m aware I’m part of the problem as I’ve spent MS rewards credit on some of their games. I think they should really crack down on them and make the guide lines better for creating achievements. I know at the end of the day achievements are meaningless… I guess it’s just the way MS programed us from the 360 days.

Usually I’ll look at the achievement list, play it on hard, find I actually enjoy it more and get that buzz once that achievement pops. Basically just a me thing and should really look at them in a different light.

Now excuse me whilst I slog through Cruz Brothers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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accessibility settings are fine. bloodroots has one. control has it. i dont mine it. the devs put it in, its fair game.


It will also lead to better reviews as more gaming journalists can finish games…

i still remember when we got the first look gameplay of doom eternal deom game journalists. . lol

Yeah we’ve discussed this before but I think it’s time for Microsoft to re-center a bit and figure out some rules and guidelines for getting achievements back to the spirit of what they were intended to be.

I actually find myself more and more interested in going back to collect achievements in Xbox 360 games, it just feels more substantial/meaningful in a way to pop achievements from back in those days when the scene was a lot different than it is now.

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Even though I do have pride in hard achievements, it’s no reason to deny the experience from people who have to play with disadvantages. That said, I’ll always defer to the creator of the game for whether or not there are options to make the game easier.

For example, I’m ok with Celeste having an invincible mode, but also ok with Sekiro not having an easy mode.


Hi lall

Just joined this forum and loving this thread already as an achievement hunter! Have put in a request for the TA leaderboard :grinning:


Welcome fellow hunter!

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Welcome! It’s also an excellent time to join as we’re about to reset the (long) season’s scores and tweak the system a bit. The lead is currently literally impossible to tackle, but new season brings new challenges :smiley:

Sounds great!

As for achievements I’m currently slogging through AC Unity. Already had a glitched achievement that will require me to run the first few hours again :hot_face:

AC Unity and glitches, name a more iconic duo.

THQ and unobtainable achievements. They don’t even bother to fix it.

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Game was too much fun to put down, ready for The Ascent :smiley: