Achievement Hunting |OT| Every point counts

Are you implying I’m not the top gamer in my country? :thinking:

Are you? :open_mouth:

And oh, I didn’t realize the prizes were for the top player of each country! I thought it was general!!

I’ll have you know that it took me only over 900 times of losing to win a game of Minesweeper on expert :sunglasses:

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Yay, even though I have no chance in any of the competitions this was good news! I’ll get a lot of rewardpoints then at least :slight_smile:

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Too bad it is not available in your country then, you might had been inducted into the Minesweeper Hall of Game! :stuck_out_tongue:

You might want to take a look into the Ambassador program that Xbox has aswell. You basically earn rewards for being a good person in the community.

This last season I got 3 months of Game Pass, 1 month of Gold and two games. You also get a nice little badge in your profile and a louder voice when reporting someone.

One time I was playing FIFA online and my opponent started to offend me. I reported him right away and he disconnected before halftime due to being banned lol

Hmm interesting, tell me more. What do you do?

That’s good because I just used all of mine :joy:

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The Ambassador program is all about growing a community with good people. There are some “missions” like helping someone in the Microsoft forums or just discussing a game with other ambassadors.

By doing these missions you earn XP and sometimes sweepstakes tickets you can use to try to win a game. In the last few months well over 30 games were given out this way, including Maneater and The Outer Worlds DLC.

These are my current missions:

You can ignore everything and just claim the rewards without actually doing anything.

At the end of a season (which usually goes for around 3 months) you earn more prizes based on your XP tier. These are my rewards for the season that ends tomorrow:

You can learn more here:

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Oh that looks very interesting! Thanks for the insight, I will definetely look into it more. How have I missed this, lol?

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This is one of the reasons I don’t look back to my PlayStation days.

Microsoft Rewards, the Ambassador Program, the Insider Program… I really feel part of something bigger than just a machine used to play games.


Slayaway Camp is now available on GWG. It is supposed to be an easy and quick completion!

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Hey guys, IDK if it’s permitted here but Patrick Maka does good guides on how to ramp up gamerscore fast. Could be super handy for us this coming month.

Visit the sub for more clarity


I actually saw it on your profile on Xbox (not stalking :sloth:) and got envious.

I used to be part of it but couldn’t keep up. Will give it a shot and maybe flex my minesweeper muscles

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I like his guides. They’re usually my “go to” when I need to figure something out.

I have been trying to get some GamerScore on PC only games as well but for some games - Don’t Starve in this instance - I get the following error:

Don’t Starve is currently not available in your account. Make sure you are signed in to the Store and try again. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001

Any idea on what could cause it? I ran Endless Legend and Surviving Mars quite easily before that

Are you installing via the Windows store or via the Xbox (Beta) app for PC? I haven’t had any issues going through the Xbox app, but the Windows store used to give me issues all the time.

I’ve tried with both actually after deleting the game when it didn’t work. I even tried pushing ti with the GamePass app. I followed the advice given on Windows forums and reddit about clearing the cache, redownloading the app, restarting the system. No luck

I’m not a real “tech” guy, but I know MS is very particular about where game files are and things can get messed up pretty easily (this is one area they absolutely have to improve on). If you had a 2nd HDD or even an external, I would try to make that the default install destination and try to download the game again and see what happens. Beyond that, hit it with a rock? :smile:

Well at least you solution is different from the same stuff I’ve been reading for 3 days :laughing:

I requested on TA.

As you can see from my Achievement list I dropped Xbox after 360 but now I’m back in for Series X. :slight_smile: