20th Xbox anniversary: could we Expect some something?

I’m not expecting anything from MS anymore.

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Cheer up Goro, you are often seemingly unrelentingly negative and I’m not sure why? Try and look on the brightside a bit! It’s genuinely the best gen Xbox have had in a long while, so I’m not sure why you’re so down on things.

On-topic: I know @Jez and others have heard ‘things’ on the show next Monday, but I don’t expect much beyond some BC announces, a bit about Halo, some teases and that’s about it.

I could be wrong, but I feel they have set some expectations, and I doubt that’s a ruse.


Jez said that someone who’s been reliable in the past told him “you’re going to want to watch this”, and that’s basically all he has passed on.

So it kind of hangs on what his contact thinks is ‘must watch’ material. That could just mean the back compat releases, if his contact is easily impressed. :man_shrugging:

We’ll get to a point where we won’t get a “don’t expect anything new” tweet before an Xbox event soon enough I hope. I get why it’s needed but it’s still wack. Especially for a 20 year celebration lol. Silly imo.

As a fan its exactly what I want though. A look back at Xbox. I was a PC gamer primarily till the Xbox came out in the UK. Had a PS1 and PS2 but rarely played them. Had a sega mega drive when I was younger too but only really played a few games on it.

Was fully PC into Unreal Tournament and the ID games. And OG prince of Persia etc…

Then Xbox came along and changed everything as they offered the same sort of games I had on PC on a console - which was cheaper and more versatile as a student with little money.

So yeah I’d love that historic look back. We get enough news and updates and whatever - but I just think an anniversary is a great chance to look back and reminisce. It reminds me of being young and carefree!

Honestly, if we get brief studio updates, a celebration/history reel, a BC update, and some Halo I’ll be super happy.:slight_smile:

I more feel it’s the opposite – that a celebration of the past 20 years shouldn’t be seized on as though it’s going to be an E3 show and expectations set there. The initial expectation should be that its a look back at the history of the brand and how it got where it is today.

If they said ‘don’t expect anything new’ before an E3 show, then something is very, very wrong – that’s when publishers announce their wares. But the same expectation shouldn’t extend to any update on anything.

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I’m not worried about them not showing anything. Even if it’s just a celebration, I’ll be happy.

Now if they didn’t show anything here or at TGA then if be a little worried.

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Honestly, with what we know if ms’s pipeline, they could show nothing until e3 and I wouldn’t be worried.

That being said, I do expect at least one ms game at tga.

Not all fans are aware of their pipeline, considering also most projects are rumours and whispers and most of the announced ones (a minority of the whole) are CGI trailers. Xbox is still a bit behind in terms of mindshare and marketing strategy, they still don’t seem able to light the fire in the heart of core fans, unlike Sony and Nintendo. Maybe because they are not enough ruthless, dealing damages to other brands is part of the game and they seem not eager to do it (even when they actually did acquiring Zenimax, their pr speech was so confusing because it had the intent of avoiding pr hiccups). At least they understood (in the hard way) how to set expectations to avoid pr blunders like the may 2020 show or the july show with the Halo disaster. I miss Peter Moore, who had no problems in being harsh and ruthless towards Xbox competitors, because that’s the way to come on top (and he still is the only one able of doing it at Xbox).


I only See playstation fans complaining non stop, that doesn’t seem to be a fan base that has that :fire: lit. Nintendo on the other hand seems to be doing a great job.

I think Xbox is getting there. They have done a great job getting fans hyped consistently with lots of news and drops throughout the year. 4 shows, constant gamepass drops, fps hosts, Halo drops etc.

My stance is always listen to the official line. Nothing against Jez but I keep seeing people get hyped up by insiders and get disappointed, most recently with a State of Play, I think. Even if there isn’t anything lost in communication or a change of plans he isn’t aware of, it could be that he’s excited by something I won’t care about at all, so why get all wound up over it?


I mean, outside shit SoPs or stupid Jimbo interviews, they manage to click the right emotions every time, even when it’s not really warranted. Things like Kotor or Bethesda games moneyhatted are effective expecially because they are direct shots to competitors and people love them, like in sports. Similar to when Peter Moore went on stage and grabbed GTA4 premium treatment from Somy.

Going in expecting less is a great general rule of thumb regarding these events imo.

They’re just so much more fun when I don’t nitpick/expect a big thing every time. This 20th year celebration for example, I’m expecting a bunch of cool callbacks and memories of the OG Xbox, as well as a batch of OG Xbox games becoming BC.

And if JSRF actually appears then I’ll be very excited.



As a geezer who the OG xbox is the first console I ever bought with my own money, and the first console I ever got at launch, and was in the original Xbox Live beta, I just expect them to tickle my nostalgia.

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It is better not to expect much and enjoy the ride. It will be whatever it will be.


Is there a thread for our memories of the first Xbox?


I’m not expecting anything other than Halo Infinite and perhaps Forza Horizon 5 related stuff. Everything else will be retrospective. Also, if they want to show something big or gameplay of other games, I see them doing that at The Game Awards since it will be the far bigger and more watched show.

With regards to new games being announced I don’t really think celebrating 20 years is the place for it and I’d prefer they didn’t.

I’d have liked to have seen a documentary film similar to the one about PlayStation that came out the other year.

A proper documentary film going over the 20 years from how it started going through each generation.

Then just lots of backward compatible titles released celebrating games that could be played in that time.

If they were to do announcements of games or studios I’d like it to something that could be linked to the past.