Yea this has some people pissed. Xbox strategy of having a diverse business model for Xbox is paying off and with ABK their gaming dvisionmis going to pass Sony in gaming revenue. You kn9w the one metric that actually matters most. This is why Xbox does not have to depend solely on hardware sales like sony does.
Let me be petty this one time but…. a certain forum not taking it well
I mean it’s common sense, Xbox and ABK, which is the largest third party gaming company in the US would result to Microsoft(Xbox) being bigger than Sony(PS)/or at least right up there in terms of revenue. In profits though, that will be a bigger gap.
Jez writes something critical of Xbox. Loads of pages on that place praising the article and agreeing. He writes a piece revenue topping Sony…worst journalist in the world…should be banned as a source…etc…etc…
It’s because this breaks their narrative of Xbox struggling to sell consoles so they should go third party to make up profits because they need PlayStation players lol. They just want a playstation monopoly, but consolidation bad am I right?
If it isn’t a thread about begging Xbox to go third party or hope Xbox leaves the industry it’ll be locked same people who cry about consolidation and competition btw lmao
Honestly, xbox owning Activision, Minecraft, Bethesda, and so on means any gaming site that relies heavily on sales narratives will suddenly find themselves pointless. Every day is the same. Every quarter is the same: Microsoft gaming 1st place. Every year isthe same: microsoft gaming first place. Every generation is the same: microsoft gaming first place. Theres no point anymore, unless those sites just want to beat a dead horse.