1 week left! Share your speculations about Xbox Games Showcase 2024

They will announce the new controller

Final Fantasy 16 port

Fallout 3 and Oblivion remaster

Double Fine’s next project

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Completely off the wall thing that I’d love to see but don’t think likely is some of the Hoyoverse come to Xbox, whether Genshin Impact or something else. This would be up there with the Riot Games announcement.

How about both Blue Dragon 2 and Lost Odessey 2?

Bingo card:


More of a belief than speculation but I see the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 as being better than last year for me personally. 2023 gave me 8 games. I’m expecting 12+ this year overall.

hope Doom is there and looking forward to Indy and Avowed


  • the word exclusive will not be mentioned once further adding to the fud which they wont address at all.
  • , Gears collection doom KI 2 oblivion remaster gets announced but after show its confirmed all are multiplat
  • Adding to that state of decay also gets announced as multiplat but its impressive graphically, Shattered space also is confirmed multiplat after the show.


  • Gears 6 looks amazing
  • remasters of old jrpgs for xbox(blue dragon etc) and ff 16 get announced
  • Visions of mana gets announced for gamepass
  • we see zenimax onlines new game
  • 343 shows up with next halo tease next gen launch title imo
  • Hallow knight 2 release date
  • towerbourne release date
  • tease for next gen. phil confirms handheld
  • metaphore trailer with persona 6 announcement. logo
  • Cod trailer
  • everwild shows up
  • perfect dark looks perfect
  • contraband is shown and gets same reception as concord
  • activiion new studio new game name /logo reveal.
  • from software next game reveal
  • South of midnight impresses

After its over the articles will say it was a great show but still many questions about xboxs direction and lack of clarity on exclusive games, more articles asking when is x game comeing to ps etc. Ryan mcafree doesnt grill phil the wya we want and phil basically dodges all exclusive questions and anything related to ignoring the fanbase.

As of today thats where i think its gonna go. The hype for this event Is already knowwhere near what it was last year despite this year looking to be even better. Brand damage I feel is real

Id love to be wrong on the bad parts and the end here but iv been burned to much

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Perfect Dark Doom Gears (will look insane) Indiana Dated Clockwork Avowed Dated


State of Decay Fable South of Midnight


No contraband

In general im unsure about how the activision stuff will be handeled in the shadow of ongoing litigation. Im also very unaware of their release cycle as a whole

Big doubt on persona 6. They’re not going to lock themselves out of marketing for literally every other platform (every one of which it will do better on) by revealing that at Xbox, especially if the Switch 2 day and date rumors are true. If there’s going to be a logo tease, it’s going to be at their own event they’re hosting like a day earlier - I actually think they’re just going to reveal the JP expansion for the new gacha there, but they’re also not going to nuke news about that internally in Japan with a p6 trailer hours later. They just have too much shit to get off the ground this year - how their development schedule ended up so… 2024 loaded is something of a mystery, their output this year would be good for a 3 year stretch.

They also have to know revealing anything about p6 at this stage is going to murk metaphor. The only thing anybody is going to be asking atlus for the next 5 months is begging for p6 information.

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Think you’d be surprised. Midori seemed to imply that if P6 was shown anywhere this summer it would be at the Xbox show.

Not that I think they will show it this summer mind.

Huh, that’s interesting.

My point still stands though - way too much shit to put out this year between metaphor, SMTVV, the p3r expansion and that gacha - p6 will overshadow everything at this stage.

With that being said, I’m a little curious about Xbox’s 3rd party marketing thing. Surely there’s more going into that than a simple platform/audience to reveal games to if they’re forcing reveals there to only market with Xbox - otherwise third parties would be avoiding revealing at the showcase like the plague in favor of SGF (Geoff would be more than happy to accommodate), which obviously isn’t occuring.

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I think Metaphor has something at SGF.

Will be interesting either way. I personally don’t see a reveal this week

Ah, not exactly what I meant, reveals at the Xbox showcase seem to just be permanently marketed with only Xbox… Which just seems like a clause where they need to dump a ton of money on companies for that to be a viable option. Should be noted they’ve completely dropped that requirement in Japan though for metaphor - that only annoyed them and the YouTube videos for P3R sort of just turned into a clown show of joking in the comments because they deleted and reuploaded every single p3r video there after like 2 days… But this time with PlayStation on them.

It just seems… I dunno, terribly ineffective? Atlus is so severely associated with literally any other platform given sales splits heavily favor PS and Switch that you’re never going to get any Atlus property associated with Xbox in any real way unless you somehow manage to pry an exclusive (which is not happening in this day and age) from their cold, dead hands.

This is more a criticism of Xbox leadership seemingly doing completely random things though. Like, PS5 doesn’t have a native 4k60fps port of p4g and p3p. Ok, Xbox probably paid some money for that…why, exactly? That’s a minor annoyance that like 3 people are going to recognize. Go get the marketing rights for something that might actually help like Hogwarts or something. I dunno, Xbox has (or had, before they actually made a dent in their infinite warchest with Activision-Blizzard) a bottomless pool of money to work with, and it just feels like they just threw darts at any developer willing to get paid.

Kind of just feels like Sony makes more intelligent marketing deals in general, I guess, although part of that is just that they have to in order to survive. There probably a good reason they snubbed Atlus/Sega in the past - why bother when you know you’re going to get the lion’s share of that 30% cut anyways?

Aaaand with that being said that’s sort of a giant derail. New dragon age, right? If Xbox does actually have the rights to that I dunno where else they would reveal it.

My giant cope is silksong

Zero chance / I assume that’s a joke?

World of Warcraft Console announcement. Separate servers for controller based gameplay. Free sub with Gamepass Ultimate.

StarCraft 3 teaser.

Yeah I’m just fantasizing now…

Sony seems to have Hoyoverse locked down (somehow), unfortunately. With that being said, you’re probably going to see some gacha attempt the Xbox route at some point - the genre has become so insanely oversaturated on the ps/mobile/PC space, so the essentially free space that Xbox provides might look attractive. Lower userbase doesn’t matter too much in this instance - better to be king of Xbox than eat Hoyoverse’s scraps on PlayStation.

Crackdown 4 baby, lets go!

Where you got this (wrong) impression from?


Game of the generation!

I’ve seen some indication that Sony had made a deal with them, as I said I did think it unlikely. But I think it’s not safe to assume that Xbox should ignore stuff like this if they have a chance to get it, because it’s more than one game and they don’t want it to keep happening.

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This is great! You make this one? No Banjo though :frowning:

No, filtched from my Facebook wall. Had no credits, so it could be AI generated.