1 week left! Share your speculations about Xbox Games Showcase 2024

I think the dream is dead. I believe it has been reported that the new ‘1 vs 100’ game was handled by that hololens guy’ team. And we know what happened to him. Never say never but still…

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They did it last year after the showcase as well.

Most interested in Fable have high hopes that playground will deliver a stunning looking game while retaining the feel of the originals.

Clockwork revolution looks like it has great potential for delivering something unique. Could be a stand out for Xbox.

As the Gears collection is likely to show up and be multiplatform I don’t see how they wouldn’t also show some gears 6 as exclusive to Xbox platforms.

What I’d really like to see but don’t think we will is some clarity on the HW roadmap. We may get something on the discless series X and Sebile but we are much too far away from next gen (even if the 2026 date is actually the target) for anything concrete. The only timing s that make sense based on previous launches are PS5 Pro release September 24, NeXtbox tease June 25, full announce September 25 and release Novemeber 26 (based on 1X and Series X dates).

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I really do hope they show off Fable gameplay here if it is ready, they can’t really afford to miss out on showing one of their biggest game in front of the biggest audience. Even a 3-4 minute gameplay focused trailer will do, they can do the full deep dive at dev direct later.


I think I saw recently that Maximilian thinks that Xbox has given up on KI (or something along those lines) but Iron Galaxy returning to the franchise has to be something more than a balance patch after 10 years right? maybe I am dumb but I don’t see how after the recent moves Xbox won’t have any sort of future plans for the IP. :thinking:


They could show off some gameplay and announce a 25 release. Then a deep dive at the direct in Jan/Feb. They could also hold it and do a big announcement at the direct.

Think I am going to hunker down now and wait till Sunday to be surprised… so full media blackout. See you all on the other side


People think they’ve given up it because MS cancelled a netplay tournament series years ago during COVID but are ignoring they are currently supporting tournaments for the game NOW along with substantial updates to the game. It’s just FUD imo.


If there’s one more “leak” from high rank reliable insider, I’m ghosting or at least just stay here and black out everywhere else.

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It’s funny to me because if they cancelled a tournament because they were afraid that people would think they had a game in development… what does updating the original game tell you under the same logic??


Yeah considering the recent positive moves from MS regarding KI with the new tournaments and IG taking over it’s weird to say something like that…I guess we’ll have to wait and see. :thinking:

Exactly…it doesn’t make any sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not expecting Fable at all this year. I can see a gameplay trailer and release date for it at next year’s showcase with it releasing in November 2025.

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This is probably going to be the closest any showcase comes to meeting the insane expectations of predictions, but even then, people still seem to have raised their expectations even higher. It’s kinda ridiculous.

It’s a little weird for me this year, despite the expectations being higher I’m just not as excited as I was last year. I think partly because there’s been so many things expected/rumoured for years now (e.g. ABK games on GP) and their general strategy change after waiting so long for exclusives.

I’m still looking forward to seeing what they have to show but they need to do something which gets me excited for the brand again. For most of this year I have returned to mostly playing on PC/SteamDeck.

I know what I said about ridiculous expectations, but I will say that if Xbox announces a portable that can play all Xbox console games and sideload Steam, I’ll freak the heck out. That’s the dream.


Yeah that would be pretty awesome, I’d definitely be more excited about their hardware for sure.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Not E3 June Showcase 2024 Leaks and Spoilers

Fan made. People can be cool sometimes.

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