Yakuza / Like A Dragon |OT| That's Rad!

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I just beat Yakuza 6. Wowā€¦ I feel empty now. I donā€™t think any other media has made me cry as much as Yakuza 6. Kiryuā€™s life is such a tragedyā€¦ Not sure where Iā€™d rank it, but I do think that 6 is one of my favorites.

But yeah, I did it. I finished all of the main line Yakuza and Judgment games, what a series. Now begins the wait for Yakuza 8.


Its the most somber game in the series. Everything from the story and side missions feel like a big wrap up of the kiryu saga. Wonderful game.

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Man Yakuza 6 really wilding with that 33 minute long cutscene. Playstation was going on idle and everything when I went through it :skull:

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Join myself in the limbo. Iā€™m replaying Yakuza 0, but now Iā€™m doing everything the game has to offer.

Yakuza 6 has probably one of the best main stories of the franchise, but the PS4 limitations cut off a lot of Kamurocho and I miss options to do stuff there a lot.


Am I a weirdo? I played Y3 trough gamepass last year and loved it, but played y4 before it leaved the service and I just couldnā€™t stand it.

Maybe it was the gameplay mechanics of the new MC.

But, that themeā€¦MY GOD!

I actually like 3 more than 4 but theyā€™re all great in my eyes.

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Oh yeah, definitely going to replay Yakuza 0 this year. I bought it during the holiday sale last year on Xbox just for the purpose of replaying it. Feel like Iā€™ll appreciate the game even more now that Iā€™ve essentially mastered the combat and have gone through the full story.

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I started the franchise from Yakuza 0 and now I have a better overall understanding of the characters motivations and personalities. Some hidden references also are really interesting, like the huge kid Ryuji Goda side mission.

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I also like 3 way more than 4. If 3 defense werenā€™t so broken, I would love even more, because the story is amazing. 3 deserves a Kiwami remake.

4 is the second worst in my personal list, only ā€œlosingā€ to Kiwami. But the soundtrack has maybe some of my favorites of the whole yakuza franchise.

HA! you tell me, I made the absolute worst mistake in my life byā€¦playing Yakuza 3 on hard mode. Ended the game but never touched the side stuff.

I still think Yakuza 4 was more sober :smiley:

Nooo way, Yakuza 3 is the worst and most unbelievable story out of all of them ^^

3 > 4

The story of 4 was just weird, especially few chapters before the end. Didnā€™t like the whole rubber bullet and betrayal theme at all.

The story itself is just a part of what RGG wants to do in terms of narrative. Symbolism is a major point in every Yakuza game and Yakuza 3 is fantastic on express the dichotomy between what Tojo Clan actually became without Kiryu and what should be with him (the orphanage). The contrast between embrace values and look at them as outdated is very well symbolized on Kiryu vs Mine.

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hmm might be but does not change the fact that the story not really believable

I wish the first Judgment comes in a sale

This game did good sales wise right?

I assume so.