“The much-anticipated Xbox Series X will be available starting November 10, with pre-orders beginning September 22. The Xbox Series X will enable 4K gaming at up to 120 fps for truly immersive experiences, powered by the 8 core, 16 thread AMD “Zen 2” CPU optimized for gaming. Coupled with the brand new RDNA 2 GPU architecture, which also powers our upcoming Radeon RX 6000 series graphics cards, we are providing game-changing performance behind the most powerful Xbox ever created. We have focused on ensuring games don’t just look better but play better as well, driven by key, new hardware-accelerated features such as seamless content paging from the SSD to the GPU based on the revolutionary Xbox Velocity Architecture and DirectX 12 Ultimate Raytracing, Variable Rate Shading and mesh shaders.”
Surely this will generate plenty of positive headlines, no?
We shall see. Folks might dismiss it merely as a PR statement, and to some extent it is, but those folks would never say the same about similar commentary praising other platforms so…yeah.
Still waiting for ANY confirmation that the PS5 using mesh shaders or vrs. No, primitive shaders aren’t the same as mesh shaders (it’s worse). Also, this implies that AMD will be using the same Microsoft developed I/O technology that nvidia will be using in Ampere.
Don’t think so they have it. If they had those technologies they would have highlighted during their deep dive. Sony is not the one who will hold back what they have. The I/O technology is based on DirectX so it makes more sense that both the companies will be using that for their PC Graphics Cards
Eh, not having mesh shaders and vrs is going to be big deal in the coming years, especially when it’s in all the upcoming gpus. Basically, leaving performance at the door. Really mind-boggling decision on Sony’s part.
PS5 has essentially the same CPU as Series X|S, right?
Yes, but just very slightly different clock speeds.
I would have thought AMD would use the same I/O technology anyway because MS is rolling it into DX12U. It’s an interesting situation because it would make more sense for developpers to build first on Series X or PC and port their games to Sony because they are using different APIs etc for their storage.
It might be the case because the rumors were that initially Sony was going to release the console early.
Ya mean the I/O stuff that MS developed with Nvidia? Yeah…
A lot of the details make more sense if ya presume Sony intended to launch in 2019. RDNA2 might not have been ready and VRS might’ve been the last element AMD nailed down. That’d explain why XSX/PS5 didn’t have AMD’s solution for it (assuming PS5 doesn’t). Remember that MS used their own VRS tech.
Makes sense even that Sony Engineer stated that it’s more like RDNA 1.5 and stuff like VRS and mesh shaders are supposed to be next gen technologies.
I am pretty sure they don’t have it or the more advanced Mesh Shaders or else I am pretty sure they would have mentioned it publicly.
So far the only thing they seem to be highlighting everytime is the I/O speeds and the tempest engine.
Now its upto MS to utilize these advanced technologies to the fullest and showcase them in the upcoming first party games
It’s pure marketing speak through and through but it does make me wonder if AMD will utilize the technology in a similar way Nvidia is.
I agree they would have said so if they had it since they want to reduce the GPU advantage XSX has as much as they can. It would make sense for them to mention stuff like VRS.
I believe they will try to run GPU to full capacity as much as possible (don’t know if these clock speeds are sustainable for the long run) cause if CPU is running at max that GPU is going to get down to that 9.2 figure. As the generation goes along the future games might start showcasing that delta between the two consoles
But SSD?
From what I understand that is not how the PS5 works. The CPU and GPU can run at max clocks as long as the power envelope is not above a certain threshold. However, if the power envelope is above it then developers have to downclock one or both of the components to bring it down. I suspect the CPU would normally be the one to get downclocked as games tend to be GPU bound rather than CPU. The fun and games will be for games that tax both and really pushes the system, it should be quite the juggling act for developers lol.
A summary of why XVA is such a promising thing? I’m not super tech savvy, but am curious now.
Meh. I’m sure PS5 has a similar ‘revolutionary’ architecture and AMD is just pumping up one of their main partners.