Xenia has been ported to Xbox console / You can now emulate X360 games on Series X/S

You can play GameCube games at higher resolutions and solid frame rates.

Shameless plug but I recently put out a video looking at Saturn emulation on Series consoles. I plan to work my way up the power scale to look at the options for other platforms too.


It really is amazing how great everything runs. The emulation scene in general is in a golden era where you can run most systems on so many devices including the phone in your hand. But to be able to play almost everything straight from your Xbox is pretty special.

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Its basically all I use my Steam Deck for.

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Yeah, I’ve never really gotten into the emulation scene much but ever since doing research on emulators on Xbox, it’s really been impressive. Even for the more “core” gamers out there, I think the Series S makes an amazing emulation machine alone.

I’d love to know more about this, specifically what games work and do they run better. For example I’d love to play burnout, virtua tennis, top spin etc

I have been testing this for a couple of days. They since update it. It runs most low demanding Xbox 360 games fine, with some hiccups. The more demanding games launch but is very buggy and slow and it crash most of the time. The is still in it infancy on Xbox, give it time and they will make it more stable and runs games better overtime.

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Thanks for this. I might hold off a while.

For those using emulators on S and X, worth it?

There are still games I’d like to play such as Mario Sunshine, Zelda TP and more. How well do they run, does controller work fine? And how risky is the usage of dev mode?

Iv only played ps1/psp games on my S so far but from what iv heard, GC games run great

As for risk there is none

Dev mode you can literally do whatever you want, that’s what its there for but you dont even need dev mode anymore, all my emulation apps are on the retail side which also are no risk, the only people at risk for these are the people uploading the apps to the store

You can’t get banned for downloading something MS have on their own store


Oh this sounds fantastic. And cube games are full screen too? And what can I expect from settings? Resolution, fps?

PS1, PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, N64, NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, Gameboy, PSP, Wii

They all run great. Only Xbox 360 is not running good. right now. Since it very new.

You don’t even need Dev Mode if you don’t want to use it. Just search Series X/S emulation using retail mode and it will give you a link to download the emulator. You will use it like any other app on the Xbox.

Here is a video guide on how to do it.

As far as i know. No one has been ban for using emulation on Xbox. If they truly don’t want us to use emulator on Xbox? they would just put a stop to it but, that is not the case.


I am gonna be all over that, very soon. I didn’t know it was this damn good. I do wonder how it all works, how to find and start games and such, but I’m sure the videos will explain this.

I saw clips of Metroid Prime and F-zero looking super crisp, wow.

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Yes there are videos on how to do it all over the web. If you need more info just ask me. I’m here to help new emulation interested gamer.


One thing I’d recommend is using any emulators using a secondary, dummy account. MS hasn’t cracked down on people using emulators but you never know.

Also the stand alone emulators typically run better than the cores found in Retroarch.

Happy to help answer any questions along with @TheLegendaryGamer. Emulators on Xbox is actually pretty amazing. It just requires a bit of work getting set up.