Here we go guys! The new year is upon us and the challenge is officially live. If you still have some straggler games to pick up from the sale this is the last day to not have them count against you.
Good luck everyone! Let’s complete a shitload of games and have a lot of fun!
Nothing completed before Jan 1st counts. I don’t know how much @Knottian played after we ticked into the new year? It’s fine to have started games during the graze period and count when they are completed this year, but perhaps a substantial part should be played this year so to speak.
I beat them both after the new year ticked over in my time zone, but if we’re being picky I wonder how many games in people’s backlogs were only started during last year. As far as I was aware, when the completion occurred is all that mattered. If we’re going to be sticklers, I can rescind my points but I expect to see proof that every game people are completed were never played before Jan 1st of this year… which seems absurd but whatever is decided
It’s a good thing neither of these games were bought, started, or beaten during that grace period then, no?
Completions made on Jan 1st is fine, you would have been many hours into the new year my timezone, more in some others lol. It’s fine, we are not that stiff Sometimes that’s how games line up, it’s also fine to pick games back up during the rest of the year which we have played some of earlier but not finished.
Sounds fine to me. I don’t see a difference between playing the last hour of a game and playing the entirety of a 1 hr game. Both award one point regardless.
Great pickups there, amigo I still need to go through Robocop and Banishers, so maybe they can be some of my targets this year. Currently burning through Sonic Advance 2 and MGS 2 (XSX).
First game from my 360 backlog complete. F.E.A.R. 3 is your typical FPS from the 360 era but with a horror twist. Super stylish slow-motion shooting that never gets old, seeing your enemies’ heads explode like water balloons. It’s like a unique blend of COD and horror. I think it took me around six hours to finish the eight chapters that it has on offer. But like most 360 games at the point it was released, they bolted on co-op and a point system that becomes clear why by the end of the game.
Really enjoyed them both, kinda miss linear fps games with zero filler. I think the gaming industry could do with more shorter/linear games with smaller budgets.
The achievements on the original Fear are stupidly hard. Think I ended up with 80 out of 1000. When achievements were a proper challenge.
I played part of the demo of the first one (until my computer crashed) years back. I’m hoping to get through these this year though as I only made it maybe 10 or 15 minutes in.
Did I just trip balls? What an absolutely bonkers game. It’s a third-person slasher anime-style game with a waifu mini-game to get you chubbed up. It has a unique art style that pops on the screen, very similar to Killer 7 (SUDA51). Story-wise, you play as an assassin who has to execute your targets… then I’m completely lost on what the hell is going on. It takes 6 hours to complete if you’re doing the golden path and doing no side content.
Also, give me a follow on Xbox so we can compare achievements and games