XboxEra Podcast |OT| - Better than the other one you listen to

Going from 1080P UI to 4k won’t take 2gb of RAM. It should take under 512mb TOPS. If it is over 512mb of RAM, they need to optimize it or cut down on some areas.

What happens if they add HDR? If they can do 4K UI, great but I prefer developers to have as much RAM as possible instead of adjusting it down the line as they will need that extra RAM eventually anyway.

1080P UI is very outdated. Heck, it shouldn’t have been a thing in 2017, let alone now. I have a 4K UI on a Dual Core Pentium processor PC with built in GPU and 4GB Ram from 2015. :man_shrugging:t2: It’s a joke at this point. If they do HDR and upscales 4K UI it would be hilarious but guess I’d accept it. :joy:

I agree completely that it’s outdated and obsolete. It’s just that if I had to choose one or the other - I would go with 1080P and give devs the extra RAM.

But my point is, the RAM difference would be so insignificant. Let’s put it another way. It would use less than 0.03% of the RAM.

Okay, gotcha. Just have to see what they choose to do. In this case, I would expect it to be 4K but is the Quick Resume feature being stored in the RAM or the SSD?

Would be SSD, as Quick Resume works after power off. I’m not too fussed about Quick Resume personally, but can see its merits.

hope i can get mine in, with halo looking like it might be delayed until fall next year, and assuming that starfield is holiday 2021, if they both end up coming out at pretty much the same time do you think xbox would delay one of them? just to spread it out a bit? or do you think they would release them close together? Love the podcast, I always look forward to it every week!

Okay. Even though I only play one game at a time, being able to pause the game and pick up right where I left off on my next play session is great. Reminds me of back in the day when I would leave on a console with the game paused because I didn’t want to lose my progress and start over. LOL.

and another question, if I could squeeze it in, do you think there is anything first-party coming next year that’s not the usual suspects? I think they might get forza motorsport out next year bc the director on twitter replied to someone that said that forza 8 mustnt be next year because they got forza 7 on gamepass, that ‘they had a big team’. I also think everwild might be closer to finished than we think. Also do you think fable is a 2022 game? or 2023

2022 looks like its going to be stacked for xbox, in a huge way, how do you think they will handle spacing things out during 2022?

Community Questions: Next Gen Launch Edition!

Get them in folks, we’ll get to whatever we can.


Let me just say I have no real issue with 343. I still enjoy their take on halo and the infinite gameplay looked fun as hell.

However do you think other halo first person games will be released this gen by another developer or developers?

If so who? I would love to see id or arkaine have a crack, especially using idtech 7.

Great show and content you all provide, keep it up.


The Xbox Wire post about the first day of the new consoles mentioned that over 3500 games (I’m assuming they are referring to unique game titles) were played on launch day - are you personally spending more time on new games that just have released in the last few weeks or on favorite games from previous years that you want to see how much better they look / perform? I feel like I want to go revisit some of my older titles at the moment.


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Thank you for answering some of my questions last time.

Every third party game tested- DMC5SE, WD:L, AC:V have parity between consoles. Will this be a common theme for a few years, or the whole generation?

4K UI. We don’t have it. Looks better than expected being upscaled. Thoughts?

Game awards is soon. Who will have the better showcase? Which first party games are you expecting?

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Hi Ed, Could you tell us about the state of the GDK? I have heard people saying that its not as good as it could be at the moment and that microsoft have been very late getting it in a usable state. Do you think this might have played a part in halo? They have previously said that infinite was going to get a next gen patch a couple months after launch, if the GDK was in a better state earlier do you think they could have gotten it done for launch?

It seems like microsoft likes to shoot itself in the foot with things like the GDK, Ive seen some people saying that they only went full in on gamecore and the GDK at the very end of 2019, seems very late to be making decisions like that.

Microsoft have said that the new consoles have a 70% attach rate for gamepass, do you think this was higher or lower than Microsoft expected?

I am really surprised they haven’t gotten a support studio like Sumo digital, seems like an obvious investment with so many first party studios now. You could even get them working on some E rated games between providing support for the other studios. Do you think a support studio is something that Microsoft wants to set up/ acquire?

EDIT: just to add sumo digital has most recently done the sackboy game for PlayStation, so they can certainly make E rated family friendly games

EDIT 2: someone found a Linkedin profile of someone at turn 10 who is the ‘forzatech and fable technology share lead’ so it looks like fable is running on forzatech? I think it must have started in unreal then they changed it. They have said they have tons of real time tools for world design in forza tech for forza horizon, that might have encouraged them to switch over. What do you think

Thanks for answering my questions last time, I really enjoy the podcast and look forward to it.

PS sorry for all the questions, I just find your guy’s answers very interesting!

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At what point, when you were using your Series X, did you stop and tell yourself “I was supposed to be playing Halo Infinite.” :eyes:

I have been enjoying the content being produced and keep up the good work :+1:.

Great episode so far guys! :slight_smile:


A pat on the back is in order for getting to over 2 and a half hours with just the two of you :+1:.

I was amused by the holding back on what the Initiative’s game might be and how it seems like it will not be what we expect. I believe klobrille has stated previously that the game might go the Hitman route of being episodic, so I guess we shall see.

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yeah its going to be interesting to see what it ends up being, with what Ed was saying how its a like a UK tv show that’s on Netflix, I immediately thought of black mirror. I think that could be really cool, like a short say 4-5 hour story game that tells really interesting stories that might not make sense for a 30 hour game.

Could be really interesting, also the guys wondering how they would message it kinda fits a black mirror esq type game. Like with black mirror the tv show its hard to explain what it is, and when I recommend it to someone I have to say that its best to skip the first episode.

Im intrigued whatever it is

A black mirror like game is something I really think sounds great in a way if done right.