XboxEra Podcast |OT| - Better than the other one you listen to

Watched the podcast last night and it was one of the top episodes for sure, Cog was a great guest, a lot of positive energy all around and some really interesting topics. Keep up the great work guys (and invite Cog again at the future!)! :partying_face:


Sounded like a bunch of boomers with the nostalgia talk :joy: Splinter Cell and Banjo are a waste of time. šŸƒā€ā™‚

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The review discussion about 9s and 10s being thrown around is true but I do believe XboxEra did something like this with a 7, imo. Reviews are just someoneā€™s experience with a game so itā€™s not a big deal, I just disagree with the high score it has.

I put off tidying my shed for 3 years and committed to doing it this summer, which I didnā€™t do. So I scheduled this past week to do it, at least an hour a day over the week. On the first day I set up some speakers and listened to You Had Me At Halo Live and got 3 hours worth of work done. And then on the next day of work listened to XboxEra Podcast Live and got 4 hours worth of work done.

So something I dreaded for a few years turned out to be pretty fun. Thanks to all involved, and all the Superchatters and Patreons that ask some pretty great questions. Thereā€™s something about the Live aspect with the community that makes it all feel different.

(I appreciate the prerecorded ones too, I split them up to 20-30 mins a day most of the time while choring)


Appreciate the kind words, and I agree - the live shows feel moreā€¦energetic?

@Shpeshal_Nick and I did discuss ALWAYS doing it liveā€¦


Obviously would be more stressful and involve more work to do that, but I think itā€™s worth it

Itā€™s not just you guys, but the audience is more engaged and likely to stick around the whole show, due to the live chatā€¦and hey, they give you money too sometimes!

Just think of the all the money they would be making off Xbot Killerā€™s Superchats!

This will be @Sikamikanico after a month of constant live pods


You will need mods on the standby always for doing this. I see Miles struggling sometimes on Chaturdays as he is doing this all alone.

Some say my modding qualities improve when Iā€™m drunk. And since pubs in The Netherlands have to close at 12 due to COVID, I often come home slightly tipsy when watching the live podcast :smiley:


Well Iā€™m sure there is a large commitment when it comes to doing it live and Iā€™d hate for you guys to get burnt out.

Iā€™m also wondering if it being less common (every 2 weeks) makes it seem more like a special event that gets a lot of engagement but I really have no idea youā€™d have to kind of look at the numbers.

YouTube is an interesting puzzle to figure out. You almost have to try everything and see what works.


Hot take, Live shows should just be the super chats and community questions :bosmanright:

Enjoyed this latest episode quite a bit. The guest was very cool and positive as well, which I enjoy.

Sorry to break it to you @Sikamikanico but I did drop The Artful Escape after all! Nothing against it but it didnā€™t resonate with me and I just didnā€™t find it engaging enough. In yet another success story for Game Pass, I didnā€™t feel the need to stick with it and was able to jump into another day 1 game that was much more my speed :grin:

I still canā€™t believe that Iā€™m only about halfway through that initial 3 years of gold into GPU conversion. Unbelievable value.

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I like live a ton, the only times YHMAH will be pre-recorded is the book stuff because I really liked editing that where possible. Our main podcasts and playthroughs though? Always live, baby!

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I literally canā€™t stop laughing about the inclusion of ā€œ2027ā€ in that introā€¦

Michael Jordan Reaction GIF


Is that in reference to a certain user on these forums whose username begins with H and ends in E :sweat_smile:?

I would think it is lol.

I have a bet with this person over that too :wink:

A clip from Indiana Jones, with ā€œ2027ā€ plastered on itā€¦ :rofl:

So I think yes.

And perfectly timed to ā€œor even your yearā€ lyrics. Genius!


At least he puts money where his mouth is lol.

I just had to double confirm because it was too funny :sweat_smile:. Also it is such an inside joke.