XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3

If I needed another reason for a new playthrough of Fallout 4…there it is! Technically we can already play in 4K/60fps with mods, but that disables achievements, for those that care.

I don’t expect much else in terms of extra visual features. It was advertised for Skyrim LE too and well, it was basically the SE.

And look at them, still supporting PS5 too. I know, the legacy thing.

I don’t think it’ll be something that pushes it over the line I just mean optics, looks a bit silly Sony screaming they will degrade the games while Microsoft announces a free upgrade to a game on their platform. Again it won’t do much in the grand scheme of things but it is a funny optics thing.

Am I the only one surprised that in the part about Fallout 76 there still is no mention of a XSX patch for it? But we are getting one for 4.


Yes! Very happy about this. I might buy it!

What an amazing potato.


I don’t believe the showcase rumor at all. I believe that Sony’s studios simply aren’t ready to showcase their games and to be honest, im not expecting a showcase until June 2023. A State of Play in early 2023 for PSVR 2 and TLOU Factions would be a good bet in my opinion.

The reason makes no sense because in September, they announced two full console exclusives so again, I don’t believe the showcase rumor at all.

Sad but true. lol

I can see a small studio like Deviation being acquired but not big like a publisher which I don’t see Sony doing at all, mainly due to the fact that they wouldn’t want to lose the 30% cut from the respective publisher’s game sales.

Resident Evil wasn’t random. They announced an October showcase back in June and Square Enix announced a new trailer for October back in the summer. Only Silent Hill was random but then again, it’s been rumored for 2+ years so it was just a matter of time and based on what they showed, they probably should have waited another year in my opinion.

If I knew Sword and Fairy was coming this soon to Xbox, I would have waited. Oh well.


She seems to have thought that she was Robert Downey Jr. in Avengers and that her involvement was a major selling point for the project, so she could demand whatever she wanted because they couldn’t replace her. Hilarious miscalculation.


Don’t know why she keeps opening up her mouth. It’s just getting worse for her, and as much as it sucks to say, better for Kamiya.


some people just cant admit to being at fault


I had about 40 minutes left before I had to go to the movie theater, didn’t know what to do, not enough time to watch a show. So I check my quick resume and GTA V is in there. Within seconds I was back into Los Santos, ready to wreak some havoc, have some fun to kill the time.

QR can be perfect when it works, thankfully it’s working with a lot of today’s games. Love the feature.


Project Volerra is finally here and confirms Microsoft is in the long haul with the ARM platform

Nice device but 699€ is a bit steep.

To me the saddest part of the story is how many influencers on Youtube/Twitter, and even industry vets like Cory Barlog, jumped on the initial story, attacked Platinum/Nintendo/Kamiya over it (basically inviting everyone to harass Kamiya), and then when the story unfolded more, they didn’t admit they were wrong or anything, they just went back and deleted their tweets about the situation and pretend it never happened.

Kamiya was being called “human trash”, “fat bald manchild”, actual racist shit, and being told he needs to be fired. He does not deserve any of this, especially because the reasoning was, what? He runs his Twitter account in an edgy way…


It’s a dev kit, no? Not a day to day device

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Yep it’s sad to see

Kamiya might come across as a bit “douchey” but in no way does he deserve the abuse he was getting

I would say its both depending on the work you do. For normal office stuff its a bit overpowered and expensive but otherwise :woman_shrugging:

I’m willing to be that the other Era massively jumped to conclusions when these tweets started. That’s how it pretty much always goes. It’s what those clowns did when the stuff about Stinkles started and then turned out to be BS, same with Angry Joe.

Truly a cancel culture there, sigh. This place is so goddamned much better.


Social media and sea-lioning have rotted people’s brains. There isn’t any room for nuance or good-faith conversation since nobody is willing to cede any ground and it’s easier to find one objectionable thing about a person so you can discard everything they’re saying and label them a bad person.

This tied with the amplifying effect and sheer reach of social media means it’s easy to casually form angry mobs and genuinely damage a person’s life. It also leads to double standards, so that a bad thing happening to a “bad person” isn’t as bad. Kamiya is a dickhead on Twitter but people should have given Platinum the chance to provide their side of the story instead of jumping all over him. Taylor holds repugnant beliefs but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t entitled to a fair rate for her labor. If we start making exceptions, the whole system falls apart.

It’s a genuine issue and I don’t know how we can properly address it. The desire for instant resolution means so much is lost in the interest of reaching a hasty conclusion, and the people who are chronically unable to admit fault have no interest in owning up to their part. This leads to unproductive and distracting posturing. “I could tell right away…” “Anybody with a brain should have known…” “It was obvious that…”. I don’t understand this obsession to publicly pat yourself on the back while putting down others when nobody is keeping score.

Anyway I like video games, I’m gonna play some Plague Tale: Requiem later.


Was arguing with a person on Twitter. And eventually we started to argue over Psychonauts 2 and he said that withoout Playstation players the game would not exist and thus Microsoft should have released PS5 upgrade for it :man_facepalming:

“Playstation Entitlement”


My condo is in MW2 lol, buying and playing tonight after seeing this.


Finished a plagues tale. Completely agree with XboxEras review that it overstays it’s welcome. The game had multiple fake out moments where you think it’s over and it keeps going. But it’s a solid sequel that leaves room for more games. Not sure if the franchise would continue (or should continue). Enjoyed my time with it, onto RE8 gold edition.

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