XboxEra Community Hangout |OT4| Meat Circus

don’t really think that was the motivation. Plus these diaries weren’t really having that massive kinda reach anyway, it’s only now that even the littlest of info on Hellblade 2 is getting retweeted and shared on social media beyond oblivion lol.

there should be. 5 dollars a month, being able to stream the games you own. That way, no need to wait for a game to enter gamepass to have it be available to stream.

But what Xbox NEEDS more urgently is a FAMILY PLAN for Gamepass!

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Makes me recall -

“Xbox, record that”


Gawd - the Xbox One was so ahead of its times in SOME areas.


I don’t think they are at the amount of subscribers where they should introduce family plan.

Is anyone else getting that 7 month offer for the subscription?, Someone from my xbox group said he did it and got like 32 months for 2555 Rupees/ 35$

Step 1 (XBL GOLD): Step 2 (Game Pass PC): Step 3 (Game Pass Console): Step 4 (Ultimate Game Pass):


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bruh what??? @beastmode10 yo this real?

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I see this too


I can see the first 3 there, but I’m not sure how the conversion will work out to ultimate??

He says one more guy did it as well…

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bro aint no way.

If this is real, I’m fucking getting this shit done right NOW.

I’m a little hesitant to do it, but Lemme know if this works

if you’re an existing ultimate user, I think it converts 4 months of gold to one month of ultimate. But if you cancel your ultimate and opt for a fresh conversion, it’ll happen 1:1

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I see

Bruh I am hesitant too, was waiting for confirmation from others lmfao

my question is how did it stack 4 times?

Game pass pc, Console gold, Console game pass,

Hmm. I just have a PC.

So what I do is get the gold for 8 months (1+7), then pc gamepass (1+7), then console gamepass (1+7), then ultimate (1+7) right?

So does that actually stack up?

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Update one more guy did it as well, for now it’s just for us indian guys

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