XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Yeah, I mean the Doom thing is not that shocking I guess but I really don’t want the whole show spoilt.

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Yeah, it’s unusual to see high(er) numbers. So then it comes down to a matter of does the revenue stream provide enough for what was planned. Naturally some in the media will avoid all nuance and insist anything below X Huge Number is a flop and failure, despite it possibly being a huge commercial success for the devs.

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Sadly I get the feeling this is going to be one of those years where almost everything leaks prior to the show. Over two weeks and something as big as Doom/IDs next game getting leaked doesn’t bode well. Of course leakers won’t want Henderson getting all the clicks so i imagine others will start to leak stuff between now and the show.

If one more appears, I’m ghosting social media and wait until showcase.

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Use this thread for “3rd party multiplat talk”

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The Big ol’ Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded)

Guess he’s done hearing his words over the media.

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It’s still doing big numbers, if anything they just normalised.

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He should have just doubled down on the original claim. :rofl: His work backs it up.


EA hasn’t announced a special stream for Dragon Age so far, so it seems quite likely that it will be a SGF thing. I’m definitely curious about it, a bit more than that. Cautiously curious, lol.

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Maybe it’ll be at the Xbox show :stuck_out_tongue:


Could be a trailer yeah.

But I kinda am expecting a more extensive coverage on the game, longer footage, maybe some devs talking. But this could turn out to be the wrong expectation to have. Maybe it’s just a trailer.

I forget, is it supposed to hit this year?

That seems to be the current consensus.

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Yup. Believe one of the insiders did say that. Which would be very cool if true and we RPG fans will be eating good, with Avowed as well. Assuming DA will be good too.

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That would be excellent.

I’m really hoping for a return to form here from BioWare after a couple of misses. I feel optimistic!


I just saw a post that XSX is outselling PS5 on Amazon UK. You know, if they want to stabilize that position, they need to buy EA and make FC game look like the biggest game with ads like BO6.

Xbox / Microsoft store $100 gift card for $90 on Newegg again